I have a few favors to ask.
1. If you are so inclined, please consider leaving some voicemail which I might … might… be able to use in PODCAzTs. I resolved with the new year to make more. It is fun to include other voices. There is information on the sidebar.
2. I had a recent setback and I am facing a couple big … changes, for which I must prepare. That donation button on the sidebar and your frequenting Mystic Monk Coffee or my swag store are all the more welcome. Thanks in advance and thanks to everyone who has used both. BTW… if you scroll down to the bottom of the blog, there is a way to “subscribe” to donate monthly. That’s a good way to remain often on my list of benefactors for whom I pray and periodically offer Holy Mass.
3. I ask your prayers for three personal intentions. Material help and spiritual as well?
4. Along these lines, please also check out the URGENT PRAYER REQUESTS, where you can help each other out.
Thanks to all.
UPDATE 20 Jan 0236 GMT:
Thanks to everyone who are sending donations! It is a real moral boost, lemme tell ‘ya. Life has been interesting lately and the Enemy has been active.
Also, thanks to the person out there who sent me the sutures from my wishlist. Yes, sutures. For practice. Sometimes I get some and practice on a piece of raw meat before I cook it. You never know. I’ll keep them on my list for a while. Also, thanks to the kind person who sent the Glock rear slide cover plate inscribed with the famous phrase in ancient Greek. Very festive. I think the “Veritas Aequitas” plate would also go well. I also have received lately a couple amazon gift cards, which I used right away for a necessary thing.
BTW… in line with the suture thing, I have a CPR class coming up as a prereq for a emergency medicine course. I wrote about that elsewhere. You see, it is not just shooting with SWAT and concealed carry weapon classes.
UPDATE 22 Jan:
Thanks to the kind soul who sent the amazon gift card and also GSC for the book from my Kindle wishlist.