[Watch this for updates. Apparently there is something after the Pontifical Mass that may conflict for some people.]
Since there is going to be a Pontifical Mass (Usus Antiquior) at Old St. Mary’s in Washington DC. (5th and H Sts. NW), this might be a good opportunity for a blognic.
The Pontifical Mass starts at 6 pm. I suppose it will end around 7:30. People could coagulate at the Irish Channel right away or go over after the Mass. Perhaps a few people might stake out a zone.
The location for the blognic will be at the Irish Channel (500 H St. NW (202-216-0046)), just across from Old St. Mary’s.
The celebrant for the Pontifical Mass on Friday evening is Bp. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop in Chicago. Juventutem Michigan is sponsoring the Mass.
For your opportune knowledge, on Friday morning there will be a Missa Cantata at 8 a.m at Old St. Mary’s commemorating Nellie Gray. This will be in the morning of the March for Life. This is sponsored by the Paulus Institute, who organized the great Pontifical Mass at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington a few years ago. What an event that was.
Here is a quick poll to see who might be able to come to the blognic on Friday after the Pontifical Mass.
PS: I’ll be getting into DC on Wednesday. I should spend some time in the National Gallery in the afternoon, but it closes at 5. After that, supper will have to be found. Dunno… Chinese perhaps? If someone has an idea, drop me a line.
My uncle who lives a block or so from here says that this place is phenomenal (and it’s right off the metro!)… I’ve always wanted to go; if you do, let us know how it is!
If you’re looking for a good dinner, why not get a group together and eat at the Pope’s table at Bucca di Beppo?
There is a terrific, recently opened restaurant on Capital Hill that specializes in Balkan foods. I had the pleasure of a preview dinner ticket there before it opened with some diplomat friends from the Montenegrin embassy. If you’re looking for flavors hard to come by elsewhere in the country, I endorse it. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/all-we-can-eat/post/ambar-to-introduce-serbian-cuisine-to-capitol-hill/2012/08/27/647f6d7a-f051-11e1-ba17-c7bb037a1d5b_blog.html or see AmbarRestaurant.com. [Interesting.]
I have yet to have a good Italian meal in downtown DC, so I’d suggest being a bit creative. [The Italian restaurants in these US where I have had good food I can count easily on one hand.]
And this Friday evening, I may be back from a trip to New York or I may not, but if I do arrive on time for your meetup, I’ll drop by to introduce myself and prove I haven’t got cloven hooves or horns. Either way, enjoy our city. [It would be a pleasure.]
The seminarians from the Pontifical College of Josephinum will be in DC that day. I let my son
know of the Masses, as he loves the EF form and chanting. Thanks for the info Father. Have a safe
Everyone: Keep an eye on this entry in case there is a change. Apparently there is another thing taking place that might conflict with the blognic. FYI
After Mass on Friday, Bishop Perry will join young adults (18-35), musicians, and clergy at a local restaurant for dinner.
I’d love to be able to visit the blognic and have dinner with the good Bishop.
I’m attending the march with my parish and we have a mapped out schedule already, otherwise I would love to go to the blognic.
Oh, no! I won’t be able to attend the Pontifical Mass (and blognic!) if I travel back to New York City in the bus on which I am scheduled to travel. The bus from St. Sebastian’s in Queens, New York, returns shortly after the March for Life and I would love to be able to assist at the Pontifical Mass (and join fellow traditionalists at the Irish Channel afterwards too!). Would anyone from the New York area have a space in their vehicle for the return trip after the blognic? I have gas money. :-) :-) :-) –John from Holy Innocents in NYC (egan.italian@gmail.com)
I’ll also be going to the March, but won’t be able make it to the blognic. I depart Chesapeake, VA at 0730 Friday morning and return at about 2130 that night. See you on twitter at #FatherZsWDTPRSTotallyRocksTheMarch4Life :D
There’s a dinner & social afterwards. :) Plus, it’s supposed to snow on Friday!!!!
I think its a bit unfair to say there’s no good Italian food in the DC area or the country in general. While I won’t hold it against anyone who says it isn’t the same as in Italy (I know, I’ve been), we lovers of Italian food don’t want to start sounding snobby or (dare I say it… Parisian) about it. We Italian Americans have developed a great cuisine that isn’t always the same as “true” Italian, but that doesn’t mean its bad. I repeat; I know its a chain restaurant, but the Buca di Beppo in DC is a great place which serves excellent Italian American cuisine in a wonderful setting which pays homage to the old country and has many great quirks. Don’t write it off just because its not a stone’s throw from St. Peters.
Will try to make it, Father. Family circumstances (ages 3, 10 and 11) complicate plans but my husband and I are conferring.
Not meant to sound rude; I’d be glad to buy you dinner there, Father and, so to say, put my money where your mouth is.
I reccomend Tony Chen’s in Chinatown.
Abasham, Buca di Beppo is a great Italian American restaurant. The saltimbucca is phenomenal. I haven’t been to the one in Washington DC but the one in Chicago I have and agree with what you said, “Don’t write it off just because its not a stone’s throw from St. Peters.”
Enjoy the blognic whoever can make it to DC that day. Will be praying for you all.
I will be at the march, and will try to make it to the Mass. Probably not afterwards, though.
Re: Italian Food
There are very few Italian restaurants in the US that I think are good(And I’m Italian) However, there are several outstanding Italian-American restaurants, which as most Italians know is completely different from authentic Italian.
That said, there are a few good Italian-American restaurants in the DC area, Sorriso’s in Cleveland Park has great pizza.
I wish I could make it to the Blognic, but I have family coming in and we are booked solid :(
Father Z.: I’m hoping to make it to sing in the schola for the Pontifical Mass, and to see you at The Channel afterwards!
Since we’re a bit too old to join in the planned post-mass gathering, we’d intended to look about in Chinatown for a place to celebrate my husbands’s birthday. Does anyone know if the Channel had good fish and chips?… (friday and all)
I think I speak for wdtprs followers when I exclaim that I am looking forward to seeing some great photos of food, the various Masses and the “March for Life” itself! God bless.
Father, if I make it to the blognic this Friday evening, you must allow me the privilege of buying you a drink.
from what I remember of restaurants in DC, the Chinese options weren’t fabulous. However, there is good Ethiopian food in Georgetown (Das Ethiopian Cuisine) and just accorss the bridge in Northern VA are several good Vietnamese restaurants.
Why not a blognic on Thursday evening?
Father, come to the dinner with Bp. Perry and International Juventutem Federation. I’m attending the Mass and going to this afterward. Pizza and wine will be provided, NO one can turn down that combination. Unless it’s being turned down for pizza and beer, but we can’t be too picky.
I’ll be in DC tomorrow. My schedule is fluid. I’ll be happy to have you as my guest for lunch or dinner; you have my cell. I’ll send you a text at some point when I’m there, just to make it easy.
DARN IT!!! I’ll be with Christendom College at the March but I won’t be able to make it to the Pontifical or blognic. Highly disappointed! Bishop Perry administered the Sacrament of Confirmation in Indianapolis a few years ago at a lovely Pontifical Mass. I would have looked forward to seeing him again – he’s an amazing preacher. I hope something like this happens again when I have time to get a big group together from Christendom to attend.
Rather than leave The March at 3:30 as I usually do, looks like I’ll be able to stick around and get to the Mass and whatever follows. I’m bringing a friend too who has never been to a Mass at St Mary’s or met Fr Z.
UncleBlobb – glad to know you are chanting. This should be good. Hope to see you and manwithblackhat too! Looking forward to meeting new faces as well.
Father, I’d be honored to contribute to your food and drink! Woo-hoo!! par-TAY!!
I plan to be at the March tomorrow and possibly able to join for a blognic and mass. You might consider meeting right after the March if after mass is not convenient. There is a pub near the Supreme Court building that many priests congregate at afterwards, however, I don’t remember the name and it’s quite crowded .
It’s the Dubliner, not to be confused with the Irish Times, which is right next door. And yeah, it gets real crowded. The blognic location is less than a mile away, and if you’re a layman over 35, I don’t think they’ll have a place for you at the soiree in the church basement, so I’m heading across the street with the old folks. (Geez, it’s come to this.)
Be there on skype, with the help of a local.
Nope, contact cannot get in because of the snow….sniff.