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Continued from THESE.
I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Many requests are heart-achingly grave and urgent.
As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.
If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below. You have to be registered here to be able to post.
Registered or not, will you in your charity please take a moment look at the requests and to pray for the people about whom you read?
Finally, I now have two serious personal petitions.
I’m undergoing a minor medical procedure as well as a biopsy tomorrow. Please pray for skilled doctors, an accurate diagnosis, and a path to recovery!
For 12 year old Tyler who lost his battle with leukemia last week and for his parents and family.
For a complete healing of Steve. For Kristin in her employment pursuits. and for my personal intention.
For a seminarian who is in critical condition after a car accident, may the Lord restore him to health and give him the strength to continue answering the call.
Also for another seminarian facing cancer, and all those throughout the world facing that dreaded disease, may the Lord grant both healing and peace.
One of my teens had an MRI on a tumor near his knee yesterday. It’s most likely benign, but it’s a mom’s job to pray (and worry) until all the details are in.
For my great uncle, who passed away saturday last.
For my father, 80, who has fluid in his lungs, that the cause might be found and fixed.
I ask for your prayers for healing for my faithful Catholic 95 year old grandma, F.O., who was in a car accident Friday; praise God she escaped serious physical harm, but is suffering emotionally and will likely not be driving again.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of a holy nun, Sister Mary Matthew, who died yesterday after the Divine Mercy Chaplet was prayed at her side following a massive stroke.
For a reliable job for my son, please, and healing for my daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Bless you, praying friends.
For some of my classmates in my welding class who made some anti-Catholic jokes a few days ago. Also, for my success in that class. Also for another intention. And of course, for the Cardinals in the conclave, that they fulfill the will of the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for my son who is struggling to provide for himself and his teenage daughter. He’s having financial problems and is very lonely and depressed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind prayers.
I pray daily for Father Z and all the urgent prayer requests that appear on this blog.
God Bless You.
Please pray for our dear host Fr. Z, that he gets a good rest from the blogging and regaines his strength. Pray for all priests, especially Fr M who works too much aswell.
For both my parents. Things have been a little surreal around here. I had previously asked for prayers for my father, and I thank you for your prayers. He is now doing better and back to his previous state of ill health but not imminent danger. However, in the meantime, my mom had a seizure and has been diagnosed with epilepsy! She is on anti-seizure medication now, and so far the only side effects are that it is making her sleepy and occasionally dizzy. Please pray that she will tolerate the medication well and not have any of the nastier potential side-effects. She is my dad’s primary caregiver, and I have to return to my own family soon.
Also for a young man named John who was in an accident that has caused bleeding / swelling of the brain (plus other stuff). For healing, and for his family.
I am praying for all above intentions. Please pray for successful outcome of my daughter’s hip surgery. Thank you .
Please pray for A.S., facing religious persecution at his place of employment. Yesterday he was told to leave Monday (3/25) for a week’s international work on a time-sensitive and very demanding project. A.S. refused to travel for work during Holy Week. His superior, pushing/demanding travel is an atheist and openly scorns religion at work (insert prayers for his conversion here!).
A.S. is facing enormous pressure, perhaps even the threat of losing his job.
He is being asked to abandon his religious reasons for not traveling and working around the clock during Holy Week. His wife is pregnant (advanced maternal age!) with #6.
Please pray for A.S. & family.
Thank you.
A.S. refused to travel for work during Holy Week.
I don’t think that will be a convincing argument if he loses his job and sues. It’s true that US employers are supposed to make reasonable accommodation for the religious practices of their employees, but if the owner believes someone must be there at that time and he is the only qualified person, what he is asking won’t qualify as reasonable.
I have never known anyone who believed there was a religious obligation not to travel for work during Easter Week. I have almost always been able to find a church to attend while overseas on business.
If his wife is due to give birth during that week, that might be a better argument.
Please pray for a toddler, Matthew, who has a flesh eating bacteria. It is VERY serious and he has had four surgeries in 48 hours Once many people began to pray for him and after a priest blessed him he began to finally stabilize. His family is requesting that we continue to pray very hard for him as he is still fighting for his little life. Thank you and prayers for all of your intentions. God bless you all.
Please pray for my mother-in-law, Billie, in hospital with an intestinal blockage (while in Hawaii on day 3 of vacation); surgery likely tomorrow; for my husband, Tim, en route to Hawaii now to be with his parents; for our whole family…
Prayers asked for Kim, a mom of 3 young kids, for healing from prostate cancer.
Praise God that A.S. will be able to remain at home for Holy Week and depart (if needed) after Easter for business travel.
Thank you all for your prayers. May your Holy Week be blessed.
I am praying for the intentions named above. Please pray for T and M, for their marriage to be healed. Thanks to all for prayers.
Prayers for all of the above and one more, please, if I may add it.
Please pray for an infant girl, baby “I”. Her birth mother made the courageous decision to carry her pregnancy to term and place the baby in foster care. The birth father was in prison and mom has her own issues that she feels prevent her from raising her child. Baby “I” has been placed in a stable, loving, practicing Catholic foster family. Both baby “I’s” birth mother and maternal grandmother want the foster family to be given full, permanent custody. Recently, the birth dad has just been released from prison and is demanding full custody. The foster family was just notified that the state is going to attempt reunification of the baby and her birth dad. The foster family is heart-broken because they want to adopt her. The birth mom and grandmother are heartbroken because they approve of the foster family and want the F.F. to adopt her as well. The birth mom is extremely fearful for her baby’s safety is the birth dad gets custody.
The poor foster mom was in tears all throughout Mass today. Baby “I” never misses Mass and has become the parish baby as well. Please pray that however this turns out, that the baby will have a safe, loving, faith-filled, and happy home.
Sissy: praying for your intention and everyone elsese’s. Nice to hear from you again, it has been such a long time :-).
Thank you, Vexilla Regis. I’ve been practicing more listening/reading and less talking. OrthodoxChick, I’ve added Baby I to my regular prayer list.
My goddaughter, Mackenzie (age 1), is in the PICU with pneumonia and a GI bug that she picked up in the hospital. She’s been there for a week so far. Would appreciate some prayers for her and her family. Thank you!