I remind the readers (and new readers) to continue with your prayers for Thomas Peters and his family. Thom broke his neck in a swimming accident. Recovery is slow and hard.
The well-known canonist, Ed Peters, is Thom’s father. He is updating his Facebook page (HERE) with progress reports.
Here is a recent update:
Thomas decided to accept his docs’ recs and go with a tracheotomy now rather than waiting to try to go off breathing assist altogether later. If you know the mouth-tube thing, you know why he’s accepting the trach tonight: being able to talk sooner and to take more normal nourishment. The Mom Novena continues, of course, we still want Thom off all assisted breathing ASAP.
Thank you for reminding us to pray for Tom. There is another website specifically devoted to Tom Peters’ recovery with daily updates. I believe it is operated by his wife but I’m not positive.
My heartfelt prayers for Tom’s recovery through the intercession of Felix Capello SI.
Thank you for updating–I was just wondering about him today.
Thank you, acardnal, for that blog address.
Fr. Z., I mean no disrespect, but not all of us have Facebook and while I am sure you wanted to give people an authoritative source of information, it was limited to those on Facebook….
For those who don’t know, there is a website for his recovery. There is a provision for making donations, as well.
Continuing to pray.
Sending more prayers for Tom’s recovery. Thank you for the update Fr. Z.
Oops. For some reason I hadn’t seen acardnal added the link. No harm in showing it twice.
Prayers ascending!
Prayers continuing.