For a while now I had intended to have a post once a week into which I could gather bits and pieces of interest that have come up.
Let’s start with a link to Laetificat, a blog by a frequent commentatrix here. She has a good view of what is going on in communities of women religious and odd ball “nuns on busses”. She will often provide a detailed view of the goings on in Madison, often involving Bp. Morlino.
Right now she has a post about a family, a homeschooling family with multiple school age children, which she is trying to help. They have some financial needs and she has posted a link to “wish list” for them. In a click or two you could help a family in need. Click HERE. Here post is a little confusing, but you’ll figure it out.
Next, do you remember that photo I posted of a little boy with Cardinal Burke? HERE The little kid was sad because he was not able to make his First Holy Communion along with his brother. I received a note from the boy’s mother:
I just wanted to share Louis’ Caringbridge site with you and perhaps you could ask your readers to pray for him since they already “know” him in a way? He has an extremely rare condition called NOMID and we are praying to the intercession of Blessed John Paul II for his healing. HERE
Next, I direct your attention to the blog Rorate. One of the contributors there recently lost his mother to that end to which we all will come. HERE He is taking it pretty hard. Drop in.
On a cheerier note, my friend the great Dean of Bexley, His Hermeneuticalness himself, Fr. Tim Finigan had at his parish in mighty Blackfen (where strains of the non-Gregorian “We are Millwall…” can be heard – a chant with which my primitive brain-stem resonates on a scary-deep level) a visit from Franciscans of the Immaculate. They had a inspiring Mass. Photo courtesy of Mulier Fortis. His Haytchness also reported on the recent Evangelium conference. I was invited to attend but, alas, it was not possible. Next year I set out a special cigar box for donations so that I can attend. Oh, one more thing. Fr. Finigan also posted an on ONLINE PETITION to the Bishops of England and Wales to consecrate their lands to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Fr Z kudos for this and my full support.
The erudite Samuel Gregg has a new book coming out (pre-order HERE) which I am reading in an advance copy. Tea Party Catholic! Heavy going but rewarding, as is everything Sam writes.
At the Chant Cafe there is s striking photo of the profession of nine Domincan Friars in Washington DC. That province of Dominicans, you see, are acting like – I dunno – real Dominicans. As a result they are, whaddya know, getting vocations. Go look at the photo HERE.
Check out Michael Voris‘ video about beauty. HERE
I want to remind you also of the Dominican Sisters who sell SOAP and those who sing and make CDs and Benedictines who have CDs and… have I mentioned Carmelites who sell coffee? They have tea. And then there are the Pius Clocks. Lately I have written on Rosaries, the finest I have ever seen HERE and the most… I dunno… cool? HERE. And I am taking ads here, finally. They aren’t cheap but I do get over 750k page loads a month. I’m just sayin’.
Finally, remember in your prayers young Thomas Peters, who broke his neck in a swimming accident some weeks back. He is still recovering and the recovery is going to be very hard. He and his family need your prayers. There is a benefit concert for Thom on 14 August. HERE. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Peters family.
The Monks of Le Barroux have, on demand, their sung hours. HERE. So do the wonderful monks at Norcia. HERE
Finally, check out YOUR URGENT PRAYER REQUESTS. We are all in this together.
Really finally, a funny dog video.
Great photo of the Dominican friars!
Can anyone tell me the definitions of, or the differences between, a friar, a monk, a brother?
Or for that matter, a nun and a sister?
Friars, monks, and brothers are not ordained, right?
Are there any more “orders” that I have missed?
Is there a good, authoritative source anyone can recommend that answers these questions, and others, about different orders?
Many thanks!
That breaks my heart the sweet little boy is ill. Prayers for him.
Dog video is funny… what is it with dogs and bath time?!!! Dogs are the greatest.
Poor little Louis! Under those circumstances, I agree with others who thought he should be allowed to have communion early, if he’s ready. Maybe it would help him. In any case, the picture is even sweeter now.
That homeschooling family may need help, but they have also helped me! I have been puzzling over which books I might use to do religious education at home. I found many good ideas, and also one or two books I want to read myself. So, thank you to that family and to Elizabeth and Father Z who have brought their list to our attention. I hope they get everything they need.
You’re the best, Fr Z :-)
I am impressed by the picture of the 9 young real Dominicans. The world needs real Dominicans!!! Ones that do not believe in women priests nor let sisters give the homily nor even wear their stoles over their chasubles and sit down while the EMHCs distribute Communion! Ones that do not claim that “the Church won’t exist in heaven”–the one who said that was a scholar of Saint Thomas Aquinas. But, entirely the wrong sort of scholar of Saint Thomas Aquinas. We need Dominicans who believe in the same religion as Saint Thomas Aquinas. The ideal cure for bad Dominicans is good Dominicans. I got some of the soap from the soap nuns for a monastic gift basket for a fundraiser for a Catholic summer camp, so I did not get to use it but it looked like good stuff and good nuns.
Lol! My dog Daisy will chase dirt bikes, horses, deer etc…but mention “bath” and she loses all her bravery.
I love the roundup. So much of interest in such a convenient way! The dog reminded me that both of mine desperately need a bath. Yikes… but that was funny.
I love the Michael Voris episode on beauty. It may be my favorite Vortex ever and that’s saying something. On a related note, I had the pleasure of meeting him at my parish after Mass this morning.
Agh!!! There was a problem with the “Wishlist for the Homeschool Family in Need”–I didn’t know you have to specifically set up an address for the individual wishlist. I am horrified and believe I have corrected it now! I am so sorry to the family and to the people who kindly visited and wanted to help them, but were prevented. Now you CAN. Please do and be assured of their great gratitude to you.
Follow Fr Z’s link, or go here to go directly access the Amazon wishlist:
Thank you so much to Father Z and to the good readers and faithful who love Jesus and His Church!
I have just read the latest blog from Sandro Magister. No doubt many of you will have received this just as I did. It is the contemplation of the Cardinals just before the election of Pope Francis . The Cardinal who delivered this was Cardinal Prosper Grech of Malta who is 87 years old. I was blown away by his words. I cannot say any more!