Francis at Santa Sabina

I am watching the Holy Father process to and enter the first Roman Station Church, Santa Sabina on the Aventine Hill.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Nicholas Shaler says:

    Awesome, Father!

  2. Pingback: An 1849 Colt .31 Caliber Revolver for the Swiss Guards -

  3. The_Scott says:

    Is it just me, or does he look extremely tired or sick at the end of the Mass? The Vatican Youtube channel posted the entire Mass, and a bit after 1:53:00 I became concerned. He looked very, very exhausted.


  4. Fr.Estabrook says:

    I remember being in Rome for Lent back in 2004 (when I was probably in the best shape of my life). A bunch of us made it our Lenten practice to walk to each of the station Churches from our residence (about .5 miles north of Castel Sant’Angelo). That first day, climbing the hill to Santa Sabina had me out of breath until the Sanctus, and had me thinking, “this is going to be a LONG Lent” ;-)

  5. janeway529 says:

    Why do they put ashes on top of the head instead of the forehead?

  6. Geoffrey says:

    “Why do they put ashes on top of the head instead of the forehead?”

    I it is the traditional / European way. I am not sure how tracing them on the forehead became customary in the U.S.

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