I received word of a great opportunity for those of you within striking distance of Manhattan. This, from a friend:
Dom Alcuin Reid, noted author and liturgist, will present a talk this Sunday, June 22nd, at the Church of the Holy Innocents in Manhattan (37th Street between Broadway and 7th Avenue). His talk will follow Solemn Vespers and Benediction at 2:30 pm. Fr. Richard Cipolla will introduce Dom Reid. His talk is entitled “Elements of the New Liturgical Movement.”
Dom Reid is a monk of the Monastère Saint Benoit in the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon in France. As Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope
Benedict XVI wrote the preface for Dom Reid’s influential book on the history of the Liturgical Movement up to the reforms of Pope Pius XII, The Organic Development of the Liturgy. Dom Reid’s new book is entitled Sacred Liturgy.
Dom Reid will also speak on Friday, June 20th, at 7:30 pm at the Church of St. Mary on West Avenue in Norwalk, Connecticut.
You all know that Holy Innocents has been the topic of a lot of discussion.
Perhaps you might, in your goodness, make plans to attend not only to hear what will be a good talk (I’ve heard Reid… he’s good), but also to give support to Holy Innocents.
He better watch his back…the hierarchy in the Archiocese of NY will have him on the next plane back to France….
Thanks for the information. Personally, I find it painful these days to hear talk of renewing the Roman liturgy, or even just of preserving it. I was filled with hope during the slow but sure pontificate of Pope Emeritus Benedict, but Pope Francis is focusing attention on other areas of Church and civil life in such a way that discussion of rites and ritual renewal can be made to seem foolish. In some ways, it seemed fine to discuss liturgical renewal during Saint John Paul II’s era, even with his lack of interest in the subject. But to have be given such promise under Benedict only to have the spigot/tap turned off so quickly, leaves one afraid even to hope.
I bet a dollar they won’t let him in the archdiocese.
@JBS Pope Francis has not undone one iota of what Pope Benedict XVI did with regard to liturgical renewal. If either this pope or his handlers want him to be seen dealing with more worldly matters (and Benedict wasn’t immune to this either) and seem to want to turn the Catholic Church into a giant but shrinking soulless NGO that seems only to give concern to the material needs of man, then we have to do our work out of public view. As the good Father says: we were given a wonderful gift by Benedict XVI (probably at great cost to himself) and we need to take off the training wheels and ride the damn bike!
Is there any word as to what will happen to the flock at Holy Innocents? Does everyone expect the Cardinal to organize a new location for the TLM or is someone leading the reorganization?
Priam1184 said:
I see this statement appear in comment boxes and blog posts from time to time, however I must point out that the statement is not true. The Holy Father has undone several iota of liturgical renewal from the reign of Benedict XVI, and these include:
(1) Suppression of the Extraordinary Form among the FFI, counteracting the motu proprio Summorum pontificum, and belying the spirit of accompanying letter to the bishops which states that the older form cannot be considered harmful.
(2) Communion exclusively on the tongue (the normative method) has been discontinued at papal liturgies.
(3) Mass celebrated ad orientem (the method implied in the missal) in the Sistine Chapel has been discontinued and liturgies are now celebrated in reverse of that.
So it is important to be clear that the Bishop of Rome has, indeed, “undone” certain aspects of liturgical renewal. I’m not saying this to badmouth the Holy Father, but only to be clear on the truth of the matter.
My intention was not to criticize pastoral initiatives of the Holy Father, but simply to provide a personal response to seeing this particular post on Fr. Z’s blog today.
Unfortunately it appears the TLM crowd are being asked to go to one of the neighboring parishes.
Saint Francis of Xavier believe it or not. [NO! If you are going to get into this, get it right! St. Francis of Assisi on 31st!] Yes, the same saint Francis of Xavier that has notorious “LGBT masses”. [NO!]
I’m sure this wasn’t a punishment thrust upon those neopalagion restorationist, Pharisees that enjoy tradition.
Yep, I see no problem that cardinal Dolan insists on keeping gay-friendly parishes open while closing down Holy Innocents because of the TLM.
I’m glad Dom Alcuin (a fellow Australian!) has found another community. I knew of him in his pre-religious life days as Scott, and then also in his days as Dom Alcuin Reid of Farnborough Abbey in the UK, and I’ve prayed for him very much in his vicissitudes. Is he still a deacon?
If you go to the home page for St. Francis of Assisi parish, you will see a notice for a “pre-pride” Mass. They look to be fairly “LGBT friendly” also.
I also hear that Fr. Rutler’s parish in Hells Kitchen may be closed also and those parishioners sent to St. Francis of Assisi also.
One concern I have in all of this is that many traditional Catholics may be driven into the arms of the SSPX by this shabby treatment by the Archdiocese.