The Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage continues today with the procession to San Pietro from San Lorenzo in Damaso.
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Some images.
Card. Burke did show, today. He did not have even the slightest hint of flu, Argentinian or other.
Before Mass, messages were read from Benedict XVI and from the Secretary of State on behalf of Pope Francis. Benedict’s was essentially what we heard before, namely, that he was with us spiritually. However, that’s all we heard in English and French. The Italian version was a little different. It included a paragraph about his monastic life, which didn’t allow for him to go out from the convent where he resides. I found that interesting. Yesterday evening, someone mentioned to me that Benedict doesn’t leave his place unless specifically invited by the Pope.
After Mass Card. Burke was pretty much mobbed.
Just for nice: one of my favorite altars in St. Peter’s.
Time for a quick supper at a favorite place, happily near where I am staying.
How beautiful–a little bit of heaven on earth. Thanks SO much for the photos.
The fourth picture suggests that the Carabinieri stopped the traffic on the Via della Conciliazione. True?
Cardinal Burke was clearly inoculated against Argentine Flu long ago.
It must be glorious to celebrate the Usus Antiquior in Saint Peter’s.
Look how many are participating! And there is C.Burke too! Wow, that must have set some teeth on edge for those who think that the love of this marvelous liturgy is just some kind of passing fashion. No, it is growing–brick by brick.
I suppose that a procession of this type and size would have been unheard of 10 years ago. I would call this progress – great progress! It just takes time. I find that as I talk about the Traditional Mass, many “mainstream” Catholics who are members of your typical parish have absolutely no concept of its beauty, reverence, and theological depth. We should be evangelizing these Catholics with the truths of this Mass.
Dare I say, RomanRevert, such a procession was seen in Rome 14 years ago, with the SSPX pilgrimage for the jubilee. ;)
Seriously though, the traditional ‘movement’ has caused a great resurgence in the Catholic tradition of processions – something that in Britain has been utterly lost, but is quietly being restored. Cardinal Burke is a sight for sore eyes as well. What a man…
God bless Cardinal Burke. Was Cardinal Pell there? [Card. Levada was also there.]
What was the message from Pope Francis?
“After Mass Card. Burke was pretty much mobbed.”……by young people!! Hallelujah!!
I second the motion, Pearl. I think our ‘pope for the heathens’ is in for a surprise.
There were about 1200 people in the congregation. And yes we went straight up the street an through the piazza.
Thank you for sharing these pictures, Father. They are beautiful beyond words. May God bless His Eminence, Cardinal Burke and May it be His will the Mass of all Ages restored as the Ordinary Rite. +JMJ+
Beautiful pics, Father. Thanks for posting them.
So beautiful. A great sight. Gives me so much hope for the future.
Thank you romanrevert for these words about the Traditional Latin Mass: “…beauty, reverence, and theological depth” as well as “we should be evangelizing these Catholics with the truths of this mass.”
Inviting others to attend a Traditional Latin Mass may be one way…but I would be interested in knowing what words of truth would be helpful in this kind of evangelization? The top of my head says to greet others, even non-catholic others, with Dominus vobiscum, as one other way.
This may be a way also for those of us who are interested in speaking Latin to begin doing so.
Looks like it was a march on the Vatican, but it stopped a bit short. Maybe instead of ending with Cardinal Burke saying Mass in St. Peter’s basilica it should have ended with Cardinal Burke taking up residence in the now empty Apostolic Palace.
[I suppose that’s your way of saying that you wish Card. Burke were Pope.]
Would it be irreverent for Father to mount a Go-Pro someplace inconspicuous on his person so we could get some video?
The photos are a feast for the eyes and soul! Thank you Father for posting them!
Very interesting – as in days of old, the ex-pope is held prisoner, even if it is self-imposed imprisonment.
Wish I could have been there. Thank you, Fr. Z, for sharing these photos. Thank you for your blog which drew me into the Church, and which catechized me in the absence of a real RCIA program, which brought to my attention the existence of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass – which itself has been a new universe of catechesis in beauty and reality. Life-giving. Life-saving. A mere four years ago, having imbibed all the lies world served up, I was wallowing in depression; a product of the times, a broken-hearted unbaptized pagan. Thank you and God bless you.
[Thanks for that!]
joan ellen,
Interesting and attractive suggestion!
I wonder if anyone knows a handy overview of Traditional Latin greetings (perhaps one already resides in the sidebar beyond my recognition?).
For instance, I have heard that more than one nun encountered together are properly saluted, “Benedicite!” And, can just anyone hail with, “Pax tecum” on the street? (‘Hail’: I suppose the – very – old vernacular greeting, “Waes hal”, to which our ‘wassail’ is related, was a Christian greeting, though perhaps a ‘baptized pagan’ one, unless the Beowulf Poet is being anachronistic…)
This may of course not be without a spectrum of ‘dangers’ – from those who cultivate (post-)modern secular susceptibilities of ”feeling threatened” by the unfamiliar (in the most ‘welcoming’ anti-sexist, anti-racist fashion, naturally!) to those who embrace the propriety of ‘sudden jihad’ (to put it ‘Islamically incorrectly’: I have heard – I know not how accurately – that there are societies in which we ‘descendants of apes and pigs’, at al. are not permitted to greet with the Arabic ‘salaam…’, even to the encurring of a death penalty).
Donato2 – Obviously you do not like Cardinal Burke, if you would wish on him such a hideous fate. Being faithful takes guts.
Therefore, when we love the Pope, there are no discussions regarding what he orders or demands, or up to what point obedience must go, and in what things he is to be obeyed; when we love the Pope, we do not say that he has not spoken clearly enough, almost as if he were forced to repeat to the ear of each one the will clearly expressed so many times not only in person, but with letters and other public documents; we do not place his orders in doubt, adding the facile pretext of those unwilling to obey – that it is not the Pope who commands, but those who surround him; we do not limit the field in which he might and must exercise his authority; we do not set above the authority of the Pope that of other persons, however learned, who dissent from the Pope, who, even though learned, are not holy, because whoever is holy cannot dissent from the Pope.
This is the cry of a heart filled with pain, that with deep sadness I express, not for your sake, dear brothers, but to deplore, with you, the conduct of so many priests, who not only allow themselves to debate and criticize the wishes of the Pope, but are not embarrassed to reach shameless and blatant disobedience, with so much scandal for the good and with so great damage to souls.
Saint Pius X
Allocution Vi ringrazio to priests on the 50th anniversary of the Apostolic Union
November 18, 1912
Perhaps donato2 is merely suggesting that, as the Holy Father has elected to reside in the Domus Santae Marthae, so “the now empty Apostolic Palace” might, in its turn, be used for hospitality.
As you yourself recently commented in another context, “there are quite a few papal palaces, past and present, that do allow visitors on a normal basis. And if Justin Bieber donated a chunk to keep the roof on, why would it be wrong to give him a tour of an area where the Pope does not even live or work anymore? A fair number of visitors apparently go there without any donation, just by getting lost or by sneaking in on purpose.”
Again, where does the patron of the sovereign military order of Malta usually reside, when in Rome? Perhaps the surprise of a very particular piece of hospitality is being suggested.
I have seen the Holy Father quoted as saying, “The residence in the Apostolic Palace is not luxurious. It is large and made with good taste, but not luxurious.” Being lived in would be less museum-like than allowing the occasional tour for donors, more suited to the character of apartments.
CatherineThese’s post above is a real example of how the Extraordinary Form can be a very effective means of evangelizing people. Instead of telling people about the transcendence of the God of goodness truth and beauty, and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, just take them to a few EF Masses and they will get it. It seems that nowadays we believe that catechesis is putting them into a room and reading to them out of a book, but many people do not learn this way.
The encyclical “Quas primas” of 11 December 1925 about the Feast of Christ the King has some good things about this!