You may recall that a few years ago The Paulus Institute sponsored a magnificent Pontifical Mass at the Throne in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC. Bp. Slattery of Tulsa was the celebrant for the Mass, which was in honor of the election of Benedict XVI. The sermon was tremendous.
Paul Institute is sponsoring a Pontifical Mass to coincide with this coming January’s March for Life. The Mass is being offered for the late Nellie Gray, who did so much pro-life work. Bp. Thomas Paprocki will do the honors.
Here is the announcement I received:
Announcement of the 2015 Third Annual Nellie Gray Mass
Mass of the Holy InnocentsThe Paulus Institute for the Propagation of Sacred Liturgy, Washington, DC, is pleased to announce that the Third Annual Nellie Gray Mass will take place after the 42nd March for Life, Thursday, January 22, 2015.
The Mass will be celebrated at 4 p.m. in the Extraordinary Form (traditional Latin Mass) at St. Mary Mother of God Church at 5th and H Sts. NW in downtown Washington DC.
St. Mary’s was Nellie Gray’s place of worship at the 9 a.m. Sunday Mass in the Extraordinary Form, which she loved and held deeply related to her cause for the March for Life.
A pontifical Solemn High Mass will be celebrated at the faldstool by The Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki, S.T.B., M.Div., S.T.L., J.D., J.C.D., M.B.A., Bishop of Springfield in Illinois. The Mass of The Holy Innocents will be said as a votive Mass for the unborn.
Assisting ministers will be Rev. Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, Assistant Priest; Rev. Monsignor Charles Pope, Deacon (Pastor, Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Church, Archdiocese of Washington); and Rev. Paul Scalia, Subdeacon (Bishop’s Delegate for Clergy, Diocese of Arlington).
The choir will be The Schola Cantorum of The Lyceum School in South Euclid, Ohio, who sang so beautifully at this year’s Nellie Gray Mass.
All are invited.
Contact The Paulus Institute through their website,
Donations to The Paulus Institute can be sent to:
The Paulus Institute
308 S. Green St., Berkeley Springs, WV 25411-1414The Paulus Institute requests your most generous contribution to St. Mary Mother of God Church at the collection to be taken during Offertory of the Mass.
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One of the directors of the Paulus Institute is Paul Danello, an old friend from Rome.
I only live about 40 minutes away from this church! I’m so excited for this mass! Something to look forward to for the upcoming year!!
They’re lucky to have the Lyceum Schola sing for the mass! You can hear them sing Palestrina’s “Sicut Cervus” here. (Disclosure – I’m a former faculty member at the school.)
Don’t tell Cardinal Wuerl, he’s got a knack for canceling events when they get too “magnificent.”
I live about an hour from this. I would love to attend. God willing. Fr. Paul Scalia is terrific!
For a fine review of The Lyceum Schola Cantorum see this article:
The Schola which consists of the entire student body and full-time faculty will be singing Palestrina’s Missa Brevis.
What a strange and awesome moment of synergy for me. I am the Youth Minister for several girls who attend the Lyceum and are very active with the Schola. I had no idea they were singing at this event in DC! If I can convince our Parochial Vicar, perhaps we will attend this Mass instead of the Youth Rally. That would certainly be my preference. Inshallah. Perhaps I will have the pleasure of meeting Fr. Z himself.
Come via Metro. There is no free parking around St. Mary’s.