Holy Innocents in Manhattan, NYC, is about to begin, on Friday, their Forty Hours Devotion! More on that, below.
First, some comments.
During the last few days since the decision about the Church of the Holy Innocents in Manhattan was made public, I have seen much speculation about what saved the Church from the threat of being closed.
Some think it was the aggressive media coverage about the proposed closing. Others think it was the hundreds of letters sent to New York’s Archbishop, Timothy Card. Dolan together with unscheduled meetings Holy Innocents’ parishioners had by chance with the Cardinal before the decision. Some want to credit the Church building itself, by architect Patrick Keely, or its altar mural of the Crucifixion by Constantino Brumidi, or its stained glass windows by Meyer of Munich. Others want credit the many priests who made the daily celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass possible. It is hard to imagine that all of these factors made some difference in the final decision.
That said, I bring to your attention something that an insider at Holy Innocents told me. He gives the credit for this decision in favor of keeping the parish open to Our Lady and to the Miraculous Rosary Novena that the faithful parishioners diligently prayed.
After it was first announced in late April that Holy Innocents had been slated for closing, parishioners at Holy Innocents began praying the 54-day Rosary Novena every day before the 6 PM Extraordinary Form Mass.
This Rosary Novena consists of 27 days of petition and 27 days of thanksgiving. At Holy Innocents, the parishioners prayed the complete Rosary Novena three times since they began it.
QUAERITUR: Is it a coincidence that they completed their third full Rosary Novena on Friday, 31 October and that the first reports that the parish had been saved the next day?
That said, the Church of the Holy Innocents will host its 2nd Annual 40 Hours Devotion beginning this Friday.
Holy Innocents, in Midtown Manhattan is easy to reach from both Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal. It is close to Herald Square (e.g., Macy’s), on 37th St. between Broadway and 7th Avenue.
From Friday 7 November at 6 PM through Sunday 9 November 9th at 10:30 AM Holy Innocents will have the 40 Hours Devotion, which will coincide with their usual all-night vigil for 1st Friday. The Mass of Exposition will be a Solemn Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday at 6 PM with a procession with the Blessed Sacrament inside the church, the Litany of the Saints, and other prayers.
Thank you for posting this, Father! It’s encouraging to me as I continue to pray a novena for a very important intention (which, it seems, will take a miracle to solve, but which, nonetheless, can be answered if the good Lord wills).
My wife planned a NYC trip to celebrate our 6th anniversary (08 November) at the end of this month. She made a visit to Holy Innocents for Sunday Mass part of the itinerary. I only know about it because of this site and I am very excited to pray at this church, enjoy its beauty and very thankful that it will remain open. It’s one of the few things that make New York less terrible. Some other other things on that list are the Adirondack Mountains, the Cohoes Falls and my family.
I might add that perhaps the saving of the parish could also be attributed to the intercession of the….Holy Innocents: those who were martyred under Herod AND those massacred from abortion and every other heinous crime that takes the lives of the Innocent.
Holy Innocents, pray for us.
Happy for Manhattan and Holy Innnocence.
I’m so glad to see 40 Hours making such a comeback. Ours begins on Friday at Assunption Grotto after Fr Perrone’s 7:30 a.m. TLM and ends after the Noon Mass on Sunday (Solemn High Mass/EF). Details at AssumptionGrotto.com for those in the area.
Te Deum Laudamus!!! So happy for Holy Innocents! Brick by brick- here in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati we now have a parish very similar to Holy Innocents offering the Traditional Mass daily as well as traditional devotions! Old St. Mary’s- home of a new community in our area- the Oratory of St Philip Neri- praise God!
My great joy at this news was somewhat mitigated when I heard yesterday that Fr Justin Wylie, who represents the Church at the United Nations in NY City, and was vocal to Holy Innocents parishioners to speak out to their pastor (Cd Dolan) about the imminent closure and a faithful and devoted priest who loves the Vetus Ordo, has been demoted unceremoniously and effectively banished from NY city – worse he is being sent to an extremely dangerous parish in Johannesburg in S Africa with one of the highest murder rates in the world.
Please pray for Fr Justin Wylie’s safety and that the Good Lord will vindicate this injustice against him.
KM Edwards: Being sent to the front lines is an honor in the sight of God, whatever the motive in the sight of men. I will pray for Fr. Wylie. But honestly, it sounds like that parish desperately needs somebody passionate and caringly daring.