I know, I know.
If it weren’t for the fact that the great people at Paulus institute organized the Pontifical Mass tomorrow (I’m on the crew), and if it weren’t such a good cause, I’d be back at the Steam Pipe Trunk Distribution Venue with the shades drawn and a blanket pulled over my head and chicken soup warming on the hot plate.
But no. No. I’m at the airport on my way to Washington DC for the March for Life.
Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
It does look like the weather will cooperate. Here’s hoping you have record attendance at both the march and the Mass.
Prayers for your improved health Father and the safety of all attending.
I will pray to Mary, Queen of the Clergy, for your safe travels and well-being.
I plan to attend the Mass with a good friend, a retired Master Chief.
The weather here is some sloppy snow that stopped a hour ago. The Clipper is moving fast; tomorrow in the high 40s. Definitely a respite and a blessing for the March.
My husband and I will be there tomorrow! Looking forward to our first March for Life. Will there be any gatherings afterwards like there were last year? We’d love to meet people in “real life.”
Safe travels, Fr. Z – feel better!
Those who can’t stick around DC for the Paulus Institute’s 4:00 p.m. Pontifical Mass may wish to attend Fr. Cusick’s Low Mass at 9:00 a.m. at Old St. Mary’s.
Afterward the Pontifical Mass with Bp. Paprocki and Fr. Z., clerics and young adults (18-35), single and married – are welcome across the street to the March for Life Juventutem social at Irish Channel Pub.
The social has been organized by Juventutem Michigan, Juventutem Boston, Juventutem DC, Juventutem Lehigh Valley, Juventutem Southern Maryland, and Sursum Corda Milwaukee.
The next morning, Friday, at 10:30 a.m., young adults attached to tradition will be coming together to view the Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea exhibit ($10) at the National Museum of Women in the Arts (13th & H, NW). Those who would like join us, send a text message – (313) 736-5463 – or just show up.
For those who would like to March together on Thursday, look for Juventutem flags and the Regnum banner near the steps of the National Museum of American History (between 12th and 14th Streets, NW) at 11:45 a.m.
A friend and I are planning to check out for dinner a barbeque place afterwards. There are lots of good places to eat around the Church…
410 7th Street Northwest
Washington, District of Columbia 20004
(202) 556-2050
I assume you’re spending this afternoon in a park to celebrate
“National Squirrel Appreciation Day” (a real day)?
As I love Brunswick Stew, yes.
We’ll be looking for you there, Fr. Z! Taking a red-eye out tonight.
Fr. Z. Thank you for all you do for God’s Glory and God’s Kingdom. Know that prayers are offered each morning for Mary’s sons, our priests and each night as an intention when we (my daughter and I) pray the Rosary. Thank you Fr. Z. May Our Blessed Mother obtain for you many graces for this offering that you make in your prayers at the altar. I know you must be a blessing to her! Ave Maria!
Aww Fahdder…I am so sorry you feel so rotten. Thanks for your effort. It means a lot to so many.
Drat I can’t be there. Too sick myself. Arrrgh! To see y’all in ‘real life’ would be a treat. Husband tells me not to go. Like, its not worth developing pneumonia or something… lol.
Hope it all goes well for everyone!
Watching the vigil Mass and was blown away by the procession! It was one of the grandest things I have witnessed. The number of Priests and religious attending is truly remarkable. I hope you soldier well through your illness, Fr.
We will be very happy to see you, Father. Thank you for making such a great effort. Say the word and I will make some chicken soup appear — I have to know by 9:00 am!
My advice: do not go to the March, or only very briefly. Then go back to St. Mary’s and ask Fr. H to let you curl up somewhere until Mass time.
Everyone at the March for Life: as Fr. Z announced a week or so ago, the Pontifical Mass in the EF in memory of Nellie Gray, founder of the March for Life, will be celebrated at 4:00 pm at St. Mary, Mother of God Church, 5th and H Sts., NW. Y’all come!
Bundle yourself up, Father. We don’t want you coming down with pneumonia.
You are much needed here.
Godspeed and may He have His Loving Hand on you.
Safe travels! Weather will be good… In the 40’s and partly sunny.
Last few years weather was frigid.
God is blessing you for your efforts!
Be well and enjoy!
Prayers for your health. Please do not get burnt out. That has happened to me twice in my life and a more balanced way of life helps avoid this. But, this advice is from someone, as my son says, “who does not know how to rest”….
Praying for your recovery, Father, and for the success of today’s events in Washington. Will be waiting to hear all about the March and Mass here (alas, I’m traveling elsewhere in the country), as I don’t expect to hear anything from the March-for-Life deniers in the MSM.
Good luck with the ear. I had a bad one a few years ago that wouldn’t clear. I ended up calling in sick for about 3 weeks. Finally the Dr gave me one of those increasing then decreasing steroid dose packs. If that hadn’t worked I have known pilots that have had it lanced to equalize the pressure. Sounds bad, but instant relief.
OK. She “gets it”. But, what can we really infer from a statistical sampling of one? Not much. Do other “altar girls” feel the same way? We really have no idea.