I received the great news that the Five Cardinals Book™ is now out in POLISH. HERE
It isn’t just out in Polish, it received an endorsement from the Polish Bishops Conference.
That is quite a step. That means that the Polish Bishops Conference is taking a strong stand, in advance of the October Synod on the Family, against the “German” or “Kasperite” position.
Why would they do such a thing? Because, not only do they want to defend faithfully the Church’s doctrine, they also probably sense that the efforts of the Kasperites, so far, have aimed at undermining the Magisterium of St. Pope John Paul II.
The book was originally released, simultaneously, in English, Italian, French, Spanish and German. In English it is entitled, Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church. It contains five essays of cardinals, of the archbishop secretary of the Vatican congregation for the Oriental Churches, and of three scholars on the ideas supported by Walter Card. Kasper in the opening discourse of the consistory in February 2014.
These are the nine chapters of the book:
- The Argument in Brief- Robert Dodaro, O.S.A.
- Dominical Teaching on Divorce and Remarriage: The Biblical Data – Paul Mankowski, S.J.
- Divorce and Remarriage in the Early Church: Some Historical and Cultural Reflections – John M. Rist
- Separation, Divorce, Dissolution of the Bond, and Remarriage: Theological and Practical Approaches of the Orthodox Churches – Archbishop Cyril Vasil’, S.J.
- Unity and Indissolubility of Marriage: From the Middle Ages to the Council of Trent – Walter Cardinal Brandmüller
- Testimony to the Power of Grace: On the Indissolubility of Marriage and the Debate concerning the Civilly Remarried and the Sacraments – Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Müller
- Sacramental Ontology and the Indissolubility of Marriage – Carlo Cardinal Caffarra
- The Divorced and Civilly Remarried and the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance – Velasio Cardinal De Paolis, C.S.
- The Canonical Nullity of the Marriage Process as the Search for the Truth – Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Buy in UK HERE
Don’t have a Kindle yet. What on earth are you waiting for? USA HERE (for one type, a Paperwhite, you can surf to others) and UK HERE
The Polish bishops have been admirable on this; only last month they issued this communiqué firmly rejecting Cardinal Kasper’s ‘proposal’: https://www.lifesitenews.com/pulse/polish-bishops-conference-rejects-holy-communion-for-divorced-and-remarried
Pingback: Anti-Kasper Book Receives Church In Poland’s Official Endorsement | Mundabor's Blog
The book can be ordered here: (site in Polish)
I was hoping the book was published in progressivese, “Remaining near to Gaia, how traditional marriage eliminates hunger, global warming, and propagates felt banners”
Yes, but is it in German? They seem to be the ones who need it the most.
With Polish women having an average total fertility rate of 1.33, let’s hope the Polish bishops get the marriage situation straightened out and accepted before the Poles disappear entirely.
Yes but ….
I think Poland has less of a need for it compared to other countries. Good for them!!!!
There certainly ought to be a German translation, if there is not already one.
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From Father’s post:
The book was originally released, simultaneously, in English, Italian, French, Spanish and German.
Unfortunately, it seems that the copies in German never made it to the German bishops’ mailboxes.
Today I attended a talk at a “Catholics at the Capitol” event in Madison by Alice Heinzen, who with her husband was the only lay couple auditing the Synod on the Family this past fall. Her talk was extremely interesting. I asked her a few questions.
I mentioned the alleged failure to distribute “Remaining in the Truth of Christ” and she did not seem to have been aware of any such failure but said “there were two books there at the synod, that one and one distributed by the German bishops” I asked if the latter was Cardinal Kasper’s book and she said yes. She said she has a signed copy of “Remaining in the Truth of Christ.”
She said that the midterm report of the synod was a summary of the first week’s discussions, completed late at night Sunday then was translated at lightening speed to be given to participants Monday morning, and that the message must not have been communicated to the press that it was not for publication. I asked her to verify that she was sure the synod report had not been written in advance and she said “that is an urban myth” and definitely it was written based on the actual synod proceedings and in fact the first English translation was very poor and it had to be retranslated and delivered to them again Tuesday, however the press continued to use the original poor translation. I told her the blogs had widely repeated the claim that the midterm report had been written in advance and she urged me not to read blogs; I emphasized to her that some bloggers have worked hard to find what is the truth and counter false presentations of the synod.
She said the media were all over them, and mainly wanted to talk about “gay marriage” and divorce and “remarriage”. She was really charmed by Pope Francis and had various insights about why he does some things the way he does. Her account of his evangelization method is first accompaniment of families, second show affection, third, accountability–the order has to be gotten right. You first accompany, then show affection, and accountability such as teaching the truth or speaking of correcting things that are awry comes after the other two and has the best chance to be effective that way.
Oh also she told someone else later who then repeated it to me, that the rest of the people at the synod clearly rejected the German bishops’ approach to divorced and remarried Communion. What she had said to me earlier was that there were difficult questions about that, especially since in some places there are not great resources so tribunal decisions may not be available within 5 years even; I commented that “some may need to remain continent if they stay together” and she replied she did not know that until she heard it during the synod (so, obviously that was mentioned during the synod).
Another thing she mentioned was the famous moment of Cardinal Pell “slamming his hand on the table” before calling for the working groups’ summaries to be published, she said Pell was about 3 rows in front of her when this happened and although this was one of the more dramatic moments of the synod it was not a hard “slam” on the desk, but a gentle to moderate rap with his hand half-open to make a sound because to draw the moderator’s attention because his mic was off.
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