Today we might contemplate the various ways in which the State is encroaches in our lives and tries to force us to do things that are repugnant to nature and to God’s laws.
Today is the feast day of a saint, who died as a martyrs especially because he resisted a sodomite king, who was furious that he and many children he would kill wouldn’t have homosexual sex with him.
St. Charles Lwanga and many other martyrs died between 1885 and 1887 in Uganda. They were beatified in 1920 and canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1964.
In 1879 the White Fathers were working successfully as missionaries in Uganda. They were, at first well received by King Mutesa.
Then there came a new pharaoh, as it were.
Mutesa died and his son, Mwanga, took over. He was a ritual pedophile.
Charles Lwanga, a 25 year old man who was a catechist, forcefully protected boys in his charge from the king’s sodomite advances.
The king had murdered an Anglican Bishop and tried to get his page, who was protected by Joseph Mukasa, later beheaded for his trouble. On the night of the martyrdom of Joseph Mukasa, Lwanga and other pages sought out the White Fathers for baptism. Some 100 catechumens were baptized.
A few months later, King Mwanga ordered all the pages to be questioned to find out if they were being catechized. 15 Christians 13 and 25 identified themselves. When the King asked them if they were willing to keep their faith, They answered in unison, “Until death!”
They were bound together and force marched for 2 days to Namugongo where they were to be burned at the stake. On the way, Matthias Kalemba, one of the eldest boys, exclaimed, “God will rescue me. But you will not see how he does it, because he will take my soul and leave you only my body.” He was cut to pieces and left him by the road.
When they reached Nanugongo, they were kept tied together for seven days while the executioners prepared the wood for the fire.
On 3 June 1886 (that year the Feast of the Ascension… therefore a Thursday), Charles Lwanga was separated from the others and burned at the stake. The executioners burnt his feet until only the charred stumps remained. He survived. His tormentors promised that they would let him go if he renounced his Faith. Charles refused saying, “You are burning me, but it is as if you are pouring water over my body.” They set him on fire. As flames engulfed him he said in a loud voice, “Katonda! – My God!”
His companions were also burned together the same day. They prayed and sang hymns.
Charles Lwanga and companions died for their Faith and because they resisted the intrinsically evil of homosexual sex.
It is probable that the African members of the Synod of Bishops coming up this October will be strong defenders of the Church’s teachings and practices against the bizarre innovations which may be proposed by certain other members.
Charles Lwanga, pray for us… pray for Ireland… pray for these United States.
There is also a strange element in this history of Muslim slave traders encouraging Mwanga in his pederasty (to prevent Christian interference in their slave trade, as well as generally to discourage conversions to Christianity and enourage conversions to Islam).
The Uganda bishops posted a list in 2011 of local patronages by these saints, handily arranged
for the nine days of a novena:
St. Denis Ssebugwawo Wasswa:
Patron of church choirs and musicians
St. Andrew Kaggwa (Kahwa), St. Adolfu Ludigo, Blessed Daudi Okello and Jildo Irwa:
Patrons of catechists, teachers, farmers, herdsmen and hunters.
St. Ponsiano Ngondwe:
Patron of police, prison wardens and Army
St. Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe and St. Athanasias Bazzekuketta:
Patrons of politicians, chiefs, lawyers, magistrates, treasurers, banks and co-ops
St. Yoanna Maria Muzeeyi:
Patron of doctors, nurses, hospitals and dispensaries.
St. Matia Mulumba Kalemba:
Patron of chiefs and families
St. Kizito and St. Noe Mawaggali:
Patrons of children, primary schools, workers, the poor, artists and technicians
St. Gonzaga Gonza:
Patron of prisoners and the afflicted. Also single people looking for someone to marry.
St. Charles Lwanga:
Patron of youth and Catholic Action.
Here’s a local novena:
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
O God, by whose providence the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church: Grant that we who remember before you the blessed martyrs of Uganda may, like them, be steadfast in our faith in Jesus Christ, to whom they gave obedience even unto death, and by their sacrifice brought forth a plentiful harvest; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end, Amen
1 Our Father
1 Hail Mary
1 Glory Be
O Lord Jesus Christ, who wonderfully strengthened the Holy Martyrs of Uganda St. Charles Lwanga, Matthias Mulumba, Blessed Jildo Irwa, Blessed Daudi Okello and their Companions; and gave them to us as examples of faith and fortitude, chastity, charity, and fidelity; grant, we beseech you, that by their Intercession, the same virtues may increase in us, and that we may deserve to become propagators of the true faith. Who lives and reigns world without end. Amen
St. Charles Lwanga and the Martyrs of Uganda, we come to you asking your prayers of intercession on behalf of all who suffer from the unjust exercise of authority. May you who were so cruelly persecuted for your faith in Jesus Christ intercede for all who are oppressed, that they might be comforted by the Divine Mercy and empowered by the gift and grace of fortitude. May justice be the goal of all people and may all who are called by the name Christian join together in works of redemption directed at the sins and the structures of sin that afflict our communities. Amen.
There’s also a local litany for these martyrs that you can include in the novena:
O Jesus, our Lord and Redeemer, through your passion and death, we adore and thank Thee.
Holy Mary, Mother and Queen of Martyrs, Obtain for us sanctification through our sufferings.
Holy Martyrs, followers of the suffering Christ, obtain for us the grace to imitate Him.
St. Joseph Balikuddembe, first Martyr of Uganda, who inspired and encouraged Neophytes, obtain for us a spirit of truth and justice.
St. Charles Lwanga, patron of the Youth and Catholic Action, obtain for us a firm and zealous faith.
St. Matthias Mulumba, ideal Chief and follower of Christ meek and humble, obtain for us a Christian gentleness.
St. Dionysius Sebuggwawo, zealous for the Christian Faith and renowned for your modesty, obtain for us the virture of modesty.
St. Andrew Kaggwa, model Catechist and teacher, obtain for us a love of the teaching of Christ.
St. Kizito, child resplendent in purity and Christian joy, obtain for us the gift of joy in our Lord.
St. Gyaviira, shining example of how to forgive and forget injuries, obtain for us the grace to forgive those who injure us.
St. Mukasa, fervent catechumen rewarded with the Baptism of your blood, obtain for us perseverance unto the death.
St. Adolfus Ludigo, conspicuous by your following of our Lord’s spirit of service to others; obtain for us a love of unselfish service.
St. Anatoli Kiriggwajjo, humble servant preferring a devout life to wordly honours; obtain for us to love piety more than earthly things.
St. Ambrosius Kibuuka, young man full of joy and love of your neighbour; obtain for us fraternal charity.
St. Achilles Kiwanuka, who for the sake of Christ detested vain superstitious practices; obtain for us holy hatred of superstitious practices.
St. John Muzeeyi, prudent councilor, renowned for the practice of works of mercy; obtain for us a love of those works of mercy.
Blessed Jildo Irwa and Blessed Daudi Okello who gave up your lives for the spread of the Catholic Faith; obtain for us the zeal of spreading the Catholic Faith.
St. Pontaianus Ngondwe, faithful soldier, longing for the martyr’s crown; obtain for us the grace to be always faithful to our duty.
St. Athanasius Bazzekuketta, faithful steward of the royal treasury; obtain for us a spirit of responsibility.
St. Mbaaga, who preferred death to the persuasions of your parents; obtain for us to follow generously divine grace.
St. Gonzaga Gonza, full of sympathy for prisoners, and all who were in trouble; obtain for us the spirit of mercy.
St. Noe Mawaggali, humble worker and lover of evangelical poverty; obtain for us love of evangelical poverty.
St. Luke Baanabakintu, who ardently desired to imitate the suffering Christ by Martyrdom; obtain for us a love of our motherland.
St. Bruno Serunkuuma, soldier who gave an example of repentance and temperance; obtain for us the virture to repentance and temperance.
St. Mugagga, young man renowned for your heroic chastity; obtain for us perserverance in chastity.
Holy Martyrs, firm in your fidelity to the true Church of Christ; help us to be always faithful to the true Church of Christ.
“Charles Lwanga and companions died for their Faith and because they resisted the intrinsically evil of homosexual sex.
It is probable that the African members of the Synod of Bishops coming up this October will be strong defenders of the Church’s teachings and practices against the bizarre innovations which may be proposed by certain other members.
Charles Lwanga, pray for us… pray for Ireland… pray for these United States.”
It seems to me that King Mwanga was also guilty of a far more serious sin, that of rape. I’m sure he did not seek the free consent of his victims and his satisfaction was derived from his ability to control and dehumanize them for his pleasure. His treatment of Lwanga and his companions was designed to stifle any opposition to his predations by future victims.
@Gerard Plourde
I’m not quite sure that rape (as horrible and dehumanizing as it is) would be listed as a far more serious sin. Mwanga was quilty of the corruption of morals of his subjects, oppression of the Church, murder of opponents, and sins that cry out to Heaven for vengence. Methinks on the grand scale of sin that muder, sodomy, and oppression of the Church outweigh rape (as horrible as all those sins are!).
Dear FL Catholic,
I didn’t intend to wade into deep waters but I think clarification is in order. My first comment acknowledged that the sin in question was objectively a grave one. However, the church has always taught that grave sin does not always equal mortal sin and that intent plays a key role in that distinction. My musings were an attempt (admittedly presumptuous and in hindsight misguided) to determine whether the conditions, most importantly that of certain knowledge of the act’s wrongness and gravity coupled with intent evidencing full consent of the will required for mortal sin, could be inferred from the actions of Mwanga and thereby make him a candidate for the eternal fires of Hell. It seemed to me that actions denying both a person’s humanity and his entitlement to the dignity humans are to be accorded as beings made in the Image and Likeness of God most tellingly allowed for an inference of requisite intent. In my haste to judge Mwanga I neglected to remember that the danger of this presumption lies in the fact that his conscience may not have been trained (formed) to understand that his actions involved grave sin. So in the final analysis I must acknowledge that i succumbed to the temptation of pride tha appealed to my human weakness and and consign his destiny to the judgment and mercy of Our Almighty, All Just, All Merciful and All Loving God.
Logically speaking, pedophilia would always include rape because kids can’t consent in any natural or legal way. So it’s always rape that is worse than normal rape. And of course the abuse of legitimate authority over a child makes it even worse; same-sex and other unnatural practices make it worse also; and the worst possibility would be incestuous pedophilic rape, unless you top it off with murder.
Good thing they weren’t in the jurisdiction of certain German bishops and Abp Bruno Forte. They would have said to St Charles: “Sodomy? So what’s the big deal?”
St. Lwanga must have been praying fervently for the Church. Catholic World News is reporting that in an interview with EWTN, “Cardinal Walter Kasper has admitted that Pope Francis never endorsed his proposal to allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion…. Cardinal Kasper denied having said that the Pope backed his proposal…. ‘No … he did not approve my proposal.’”