The Times revives a LATIN crossword puzzle

This is behind a paywall.  I hope someone can help me out.

I see that The Times (of London, not – of course – New York) is after 85 years offering a Latin Crossword Puzzle.  In 1930 there was a one-off.  Now again.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Patruus says:

    Should Uncle Rupe’s paywall prove impenetrable, there are Latin puzzles aplenty to be had in “Hebdomada Aenigmatum” –

  2. pberginjr says:

    Certainly this is done in honor of the feast of S John XXIII and his excellent Veteran sapientia

  3. pberginjr says:


  4. Charles E Flynn says:

    An academic database locates the Latin crossword puzzle on page 83 of the October 10, 2015 edition of the Times of London. The crossword puzzle itself is not included in the database.

  5. Dr. Edward Peters says:


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