Photos of Requiem Masses for All Souls

Photos are starting to come in from the Pontifical Requiem at the Throne offered by His Excellency Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, The Extraordinary Ordinary Bishop of Madison.

I think it may have been the only Requiem at the Throne…anywhere.

The Mass was offered for all the deceased priests and bishops of the diocese.


The music was De Victoria’s Requiem for Four Voices, beautifully sung, and Gregorian chant.

How about some of your photos?


Another from Madison


Here are a few more.  And more can be found HERE.





At the Cathedral of Sioux City.

Celebrant: the Reverend Brent Lingle (Director of the Office of Worship Diocese of Sioux City)
Deacon: Dr. David Lopez Chancellor Diocese of Sioux City
Very Reverend William Vit Rector Cathedral of the Epiphany
the Most Reverend Walker Nickless Bishop of Sioux City
Director of Music Cathedral of the Epiphany: Matthew Geerlings
Gabriele Faure’s Sung Requiem



I picked this up from facebook… with this caption:

Traditional Latin Mass at Fort Hood. This was my first time altar serving, and it was done on the hood of a Jeep exactly as Father Emil Kapaun would have during the Korean War 65 years ago. Deo gratias!



From one of my favorite places.




About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Gratias says:

    We attended an All Souls Day mass in Rome at Trinitá dei Pellegrini, the only FSSP personal Parish in Italy. It was spectacular, with a huge catafalque and wonderful sung responses. Quite an experience.

  2. JamesM says:

    I attended a Missa cantata without ceremonies in Brighton. (The “Missa sine pompe”)

    Celebrant wore black. We had a catafalque for the Absolution of the Dead at the end of Mass.

  3. CradleRevert says:

    I see the newly-ordained Fr. Chris sitting to Bishop Morlino’s right. He was just at the Church of All Saints in Minneapolis the previous day celebrating the 10:30 Solemn High Mass.

  4. Stephanus83 says:

    I was stationed at Fort Hood for six years. Thanks for showing that photo.

  5. Sandy says:

    So beautiful and meaningful. The Mass at Fort Hood is the one that brings tears to my eyes. I guess it’s because the military roots of our family are deep; it causes me to remember what military chaplains have done for my loved ones! God bless and keep safe all our holy priests, you too of course, Father Z!

  6. Sandy says:

    PS RIP, Father Gibbons of North Island N.A.S. who married us 50 yrs. ago.

  7. dhaunsperger says:

    Also in the Diocese of Austin, the Cathedral had an EF Requiem Mass. They shared this video on Facebook of the choir practicing the Faure prior to Mass beginning:

    I was unable to attend, as I was singing at my own parish NO Requiem – we used the Charles d’Helfer Requiem setting.

  8. LarryW2LJ says:

    There’s nothing like a Jeep – the ultimate in versatility and practicality.

  9. Sconnius says:

    I see Fr. Sasse’s mustache is still with us.

  10. GrumpyYoungMan says:

    Sung Requiem Mass in Ft. Worth last night – my first Requiem in the EF and my first time to see black vestments.

    Every time I assist in the EF, it gets harder to go back to the OF

  11. Semper Gumby says:

    Thanks for the photo from Ft. Hood and thanks to military chaplains. Over in the desert before a big event, several groups from my battalion, one at a time, took Humvees to a quiet area where a priest in tactical clericals awaited for General Absolution and Mass.

  12. Mojoron says:

    We had a real funeral with musical accompaniment of guitar and banjo. I kid you not.

  13. Elizabeth D says:

    Fr Sasse’s mustache makes me think of Andy Garcia’s character in For Greater Glory.

  14. Packrraat says:

    I pinned some of these lovely photos on my pinterest page. I was not able to get to our parish’s All Souls Day Mass. But, it was held in the Catholic cemetery in town. I’m sure there were no black vestments and probably no music. Next year, next parish, I anticipate will be very different.

  15. Elizium23 says:

    I attended a Missa Cantata at the FSSP’s Mater Misericordiae Mission in Phoenix. I counted eight altar servers! There was a little bit of incense, and no catafalque, though there was one last year. The priest announced during the homily that three Masses would be offered; the following two would be Missa Lecta, and gave the Canon Law details on reception of Holy Communion twice in one day. He also explained the indulgences available for the month of November, and said that he intended to visit a cemetery every day one could be gained. There was a good crowd in the church, and the schola sang admirably, including the Dies Irae.

    I left as the second Mass got underway – I was a long way from home. Please be assured of my earnest prayers for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Also, please pray for the eternal repose of the soul of a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus who passed away this week. His funeral was on the morning of November 5.

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