I received this, which I bring to the readership:
Walk for Life West Coast Urges Local Media to remind
San Franciscans downtown will be crowded on January 23, 2016!
San Francisco, January 20, 2016 – This Saturday, January 23, 2016 tens of thousands of pro-lifers will be marching down San Francisco’s Market Street from the Civic Center Plaza to Fremont Street at the 12th Annual Walk for Life West Coast. Last year’s Walk drew an estimated 50,000 people. Naturally, an event of this magnitude affects downtown traffic, and the sparse media coverage prior to the event leaves many people unaware of potential delays. The Walk begins at 1:30 PM and ends around 2:50 PM.
Walk co-chair Eva Muntean says: “It never fails: every year we hear of people who have gotten stuck in traffic on the day of the Walk, and they exclaim ‘I never heard of this!’ So, as a public service to our fellow San Franciscans, we plead with our local media to help us in making their fellow citizens aware of the magnitude of the Walk for Life West Coast, and the potential that they may be inconvenienced.”
San Franciscans and visitors are urged to visit https://www.sfmta.com/calendar/alerts and enter “Walk for Life” in the search window to get the latest news on street closures and affected bus lines.
Founded in 2005 by a group of San Francisco Bay Area residents, the Walk for Life West Coast’s mission is to change the perceptions of a society that thinks abortion is an answer. Walk participants are expected from throughout the Bay Area and across the United States and Canada.
More details and the most up-to-date information about the walk is available at: www.walkforlifewc.com
You have to see it to believe it! All those busses bringing people and dropping them off and then parking in assigned spots where we can find them afterwards. It’s wonderful! Almost a miracle!
My parish takes a chartered bus to the cathedral for Mass and then we go to the rally and then do the walk. It certainly is interesting to see the puzzled onlookers (many stuck in traffic) wondering where we all came from and why.
Last year there was a little coverage in the media. A stroke of genius to ask the media to caution about traffic beforehand!
In Canada, these walks/marches are done in the spring and gets thousands but NEVER
gets any media attention.
Please join us for a Solemn High Mass for Life in the Extraordinary Form after the Walk for Life West Coast. Mass is at the National Shrine of Saint Francis on 610 Vallejo St. This is the corner of Vallejo and Columbus in North Beach, about a mile from the terminus of the Walk. The celebrant will be Friar Anthony Lajato, OFM Conv. St Ann’s schola from Palo Alto, under the direction of Stanford’s Prof William Marht, will sing. Many of you know Bill Mahrt as the president of the Church Music Association of America. We’ve been celebrating this TLM for about five years, and the Shrine is packed with young people for the Mass.