
I’m watching the results of BREXIT. So far London is still not counted, but right now it is looking like OUT will win.

The Pound is getting slammed. Today it started at $1.50.




The bookies are now saying 94% OUT.


I’m making popcorn.


I think I’ll go see the new Independence Day movie tomorrow/today.  After all, we fought a war so that we wouldn’t be … you know… Canadian.


We will now see the EU unravel.  I wish this could happen to the UN.


ITV, BBC, SKY have predicted OUT will triumph.



When the DOW opens in about 9 hours it will open down over 700, as of this writing.  Oil is down.  Gold is soaring.  The Euro and GBP are dying.  Asian markets are way down.


Breitbart: U.K. Declares Independence from E.U. Globalist Elite



And now that BREXIT is EXIT, comes FREXIT. Marine Le Pen is calling for a referendum in France.  HERE


We are all hanging out waiting for a reaction from 10 Downing Street.



And Il tempo: Salvini – “Ora tocca a noi!”


I am sure you were wondering how Gibraltar voted…. Remain: 19,322 IN 823 OUT.

UPDATE 24 June:

From my text messages…

“Slogan of the Day: Last country out of EU gets Greece!”


Remember… The Wyoming Mystic Monks also have TEA.  TEA… get it?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Dimitri_Cavalli says:

    We all remember or read about how the world ended in 1966 when Charles DeGaulle pulled France out of NATO.

  2. Chris Garton-Zavesky says:

    Let there be sung Non Nobis and Te Deum.

    Play Elgar and Vaughn Williams.

    Uncork some champagne.

    My prayer, last night and today, has been that Our Lady’s Dowry would be returned to her. This is an important first step.

  3. Pingback: Might it really happen? (Update: YES!!!) – Pimlico's Bank

  4. Tony Phillips says:

    Even though the mood in the pubs I’ve visited round here (east Kent) has been 9-1 for Brexit these last couple days, I can’t believe the Brits had the bottle to break free. Now let’s get rid of Cameron, the man who brought us homosexual ‘marriage’ though it appeared no where in the Tory manifesto. Does anyone really think we can trust him?

  5. Amateur Scholastic says:

    Ack. This Englishman has plans (and can get a visa) to move to the U.S. with his family, partly to get a better spiritual environment for his kids. Please pray economics (house prices, £/$) still allows me to do so.

  6. Amateur Scholastic says:

    “partly to get a better spiritual environment for his kids”

    And lest that seem laughably naive, I said ‘better’, not ‘good’.

  7. Tony Phillips says:

    Thank goodness, Cameron has resigned. But not without putting in a plug for gay ‘marriage’ into his speech!
    By now people may realise that sodomy is instituionalised in elite British schools like Eton. Can’t help but wonder what really motivated this disastrous PM to push through that despicable legislation…

  8. Riddley says:

    Amazing stuff, Father! I woke up this morning to see the result and immediately put my bottle of English champagne in the fridge to cool.

    I really hope this will be the beginning of a national resurgence.

  9. Aegidius says:

    Dear Father, enjoy your popcorn, but excuse that I most strongly disagree. This is a really bad day for the West, for Europe and the US. The only guys winning are Putin and Erdogan. Divide et impera. You may now watch and enjoy the falling apart of the United Kingdom.

  10. pmullane says:

    Happy VEU day!! We have snubbed our masters and broken our fetters, and cast off this monstrous organisation, in the face of Soros, Goldman Sachs, Clinton, Obama (spit) and the rest.

    Thank God and let freedom reign.

  11. VexillaRegis says:

    This is a Midsummer’s Nightmare. The British economy will plummet and Brexit will make Europe and the rest of the World even more politically and economically instable. I agree with Aegidius above.
    We now face a scenario with Putin in the East, possibly D T in the USA and Ukip in the UK. Merkel will be the only wise, sane, reliable – and powerful! – statesman around.

    God help us!

  12. jaykay says:

    Although I live in Ireland, I am very glad about this. Yes, it may have some immediate consequences for my own particular area, as I live beside the border with NI, but y’know what? That’s the beauty of free trade, these difficulties will be ironed out, provided free trade is actually allowed to be free and not strangled by (possibly now vengeful?) rules devised by an unelected, soi-disant elite. And lest anyone say I don’t know what I’m talking about: sorry, I’m qualified in EU law (Gawd ‘elp us) and work closely with a natural resources industry that brings me into regular contact, and travel to, Brussels and its multi-faceted institutions.

  13. Andrew D says:

    While this will cause some economic consequences, it is very good news and I hope the people of Great Britain will stand firm in the pressures they’re going to receive to re-join (submit) the EU. The EU is and was a fraud. The “economic partnership” was really an economic takeover by freemasonic-minded bureaucrats in the un-elected EU leadership to fund secular, socialistic and diabolical policies (i.e. the importation of musloids). I hope this spirit of independence will spread quickly to countries like Portugal, Malta and Poland so they can get out before they lose the Faith completely. Back to Great Britain, Our Lady of LaSalette told the children that a protestant country in the north would be converted. Could this be the beginning of that prophecy? I hope so.

  14. Kerry says:

    With Britain out of the EU, can spring, (the UN out of USA) be far behind?
    BTW, Vera Lynn’s Land of Hope and Glory is not to be missed.
    The ‘merican counterpart might be Odetta’s rendition of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

  15. SanSan says:

    Bravo Father Z…..entertaining at least :)

  16. pmullane says:

    Perhaps we have to put some issues to bed here. Firstly, the pound dropped as a correction to the markets misplaced belief that remain had won, due to erroneous opinion polls and erroneous media messages. The economy fluctuates when change occurs, and the market misreading the poll and then Camerons resignation will do that. Importantly, confidence in the European markets is with the pound rather than the Euro. This does not mean that there are not economic troubles ahead, all western economies are, not least because of the bodging of the Eurozone after the last crisis, and its inherent instability. What it does mean is that the UK economy is infinitely better placed in the long term and probably the medium term as well, to deal with these problems.

    The idea that Putin and Erdogan are the winners of a Brexit vote confuses me. Hopefully the EU minus the UK will tread more carefully in issues with the bear than their undemocratic power games in Ukraine. I’d also prefer that my country wasn’t used as a pawn in other nations great games without our say. Turkey wanted a remain vote as Cameron was their biggest ally in their quest to become members of the EU, either officially or de facto. It was no doubt that a significant proportion of Turkeys population was preparing to move to the UK, along with Germany, as soon as feasibly possible. There is no real prospect of the UK falling apart, as the Scottish vote 2 years ago was a high water mark for nationalism there. It is highly unlikely that Scotland will hold a second referendum, and even less likely that they could achieve their 2014 levels of support for independence, let alone win %50 of the vote. If they did, however, good luck to them, as democracy works like that, even though my opinion is that a vote to end the United Kingdom should be put to the whole UK.

    Putin in the East isn’t my cup of tea, but at the same time there are far worse powers we could be dealing with. He is certainly more of a friend to Christians than America or Europe’s leaders at this time. UKIP? They are nowhere near power, which is unfortunate in truth. They have however defeated (thus far) the elites power games, and given a voice to the poor and forgotten sections of British society. Nigel Farage deserves a Knighthood, at least, and every Brit owes him a debt of thanks. Trump? At worst he is a necessary evil. The political establishment in America is at least as corrupt as that in the UK, although possibly not as bad as that of the EU, insofar as they at least go through the process of elections. Trump, like Farage, is giving voice to issues which the American Establishment (political, media, big business and unfortunately the church) has deemed beyond discourse, mainly because their wealth puts them beyond the reach of its consequences.

    Merkel as a wise, honourable statesman?! Please. Merkel is ultimately responsible for the huge crisis enveloping mainland Europe, including the Paris and Brussels attacks, and a number of the terrorists in Europe who, fortunately for her, only kill rape and maim little unimportant people. Furthermore, she is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of people trying to cross the Mediterranean and get into Europe. But she cannot last long now either. Good.

  17. robtbrown says:

    I don’t consider it to be a nightmare or the sky falling, although big government lovers manning TV anchor chairs are moaning about it.

    The EEU, the EURO, and EU are not the same thing. The UK never adopted the EURO.

  18. Fallibilissimo says:

    I don’t think this is time for celebration but for very sober thought instead. Short term, the consequences will be hard to deal with (normally it’s families that pay the price) and I don’t see anything particularly promising in the long term.
    This is a inauspicious and ill-timed decision.

  19. CrimsonCatholic says:

    Don’t listen to the fear mongering, this is great day for those that believe in democracy and sovereignty.

    Also, the EU reminds me of Babel.

  20. I don’t see this as good at all. I am worried it will affect the world economy, and even though Canada way back when got its own prime minister and is a country that operates on its own, I still worry what effect it will have on us. We don’t need anything worse, especially in Ontario where. Lesbian tyrant Wynne leads with a majority government, and the stupid millennials voted that asinine Catholic Traitor, Justin Trudeau (II) as prime minister with majority government.

    On a spiritual level I am deeply worried this is just another part of the minor/great chastisement to come, and right after Fr Z commented on getting gun training. He might as well just said stock up on ammo and supplies of both food and liturgical. Great all this while I just got married and hope to start a family in a few years.

  21. zama202 says:

    Dare we believe – The South will Rise Again!


  22. TNCath says:

    The majority of people I know in Europe believe that the EU was a very bad idea because most countries in it did not benefit except for possibly Germany and France. I think the markets will eventually stabilize and, in the long run, the U.S. and U.K. will come out much better off.

  23. robtbrown says:

    If Merkel is wise, then I’m the Oracle at Delphi.

    I was in Europe during the run up to the EURO, and the naive exhuberance was a walk through FantasyLand.

    This is a huge blow against the Centralization Freaks who assured everyone that adopting the EURO would make nations like Greece rich. That might have happened during a hot economy, but once there was a downturn, Greece was left poor, eating at the German soup kitchen, having renounced the national right to sell bonds.

  24. PostCatholic says:

    I don’t share your antipathy for the UN nor the EU. It is nevertheless a comfort to know that long-standing international organizations which incorrectly imagine they do the world a benefit can unravel.

  25. jaykay says:

    robtbrown: “I was in Europe during the run up to the EURO, and the naive exhuberance was a walk through FantasyLand.”

    Rem acu tetigisti. I remember only too well, as in the job I had at that time I was heavily involved with the logistical preparations during the run-up, late 90s to 1 January 2002. In hindsight, it can be seen for what it was, as you say: naive exuberance. In fact, the biggest main players, Germany and France, were actually in breach of the rules in terms of debt ratio but that certainly wasn’t allowed to stand in the way (in fairness, Germany was still bearing the burden of immense re-unification costs). I suppose it was a factor of the times, we were all still on a high after the momentous events of 1989-91, and of course the recent dreadful war in the Balkans was tending to push the whole idea of integration, union etc. etc. Added to which was the exuberance of an extended period of economic boom. But yep, naive, as you say.

    Ireland (Republic of) is the country that is most directly affected by Brexit, given we actually share a land border with part of the UK and for many other reasons connected with trade. Now, this is an extract from a statement from Ireland’s Energy Regulator just released. These people are cold, sober, realists, legally independent in their regulatory function and dealing hands-on with the actuality of the energy markets every day. This is reality. Attend:

    “[We do] not foresee any immediate change in the operation or development of Ireland’s energy markets following the result of the EU referendum and the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union. Ireland, Northern Ireland and Great Britain are physically interconnected and there is a continued mutual interest in ensuring the ongoing operation of arrangements to deliver secure and competitive energy supplies for consumers. There are strong bilateral agreements and relationships, underpinned in some cases by legislation in both jurisdictions, and which will continue to be mutually important notwithstanding the result of the UK referendum.”

  26. Simon_GNR says:

    I voted “leave” but expected “remain” to win. I’m pleased “leave” has won: we’ve got our country back and it will be governed by a parliament we the people of the United Kingdom elect and who we can get rid of.
    I’m pleased David Cameron is resigning as Prime Minister – I detest his introduction of same-sex “marriage” – and I might be willing to consider voting Conservative again. Who’ll be the next Prime Minister? Theresa May (N.B. it’s Theresa May with an “h” in it – not to be confused with Teresa May, who might delicately be described as an actress (of sorts!), or New York-born Boris Johnson? Whoever it is, he/she will not be chosen by the electorate but by the Conservative Party.

  27. iamlucky13 says:


    I agree. I do think that there is probably net overall benefit to the UK in preserving their individual sovereignty, but in the short term, there will certainly be challenges both for the UK and the rest of the EU.

    I pray that both sides understand the naturally close relationship between the UK and the rest of Europe and negotiate effective trade and travel laws that respect the sovereignty of the UK and value the benefits of productive trade.

    Also, I’m under the impression there is a pretty strong urban/rural divide on the matter in the UK. If so, it further tends to suggest to me that those in favor of remaining are failing to understand the negative effects European rule over the UK is having on people in different circumstances than their own.

  28. Mike says:

    If, and only if, Britain embraces true liberty under the social reign of Christ the King, a victory will have been won. The same may be said for the rest of Europe should the EU convert from its current status as the Unholy Brusselaar Empire.

    A majority of voting Britons may be thankful today, but inside and outside the diminished EU, prayer and penitence should not slack.

  29. LarryW2LJ says:

    240 years later, Britain finally got it right!

  30. Elizabeth M says:

    As a bona fide ‘Merican mutt part of me cheers that Great Britain has thrown off the yoke of the EU.
    It is a cautious cheer, however. There are a great many English citizens in urban centers who would in a heartbeat fill the new government seats and halls with people who back or follow Sharia-type laws.

    Will there be a civil war of faiths? Will Our Lady of Walsingham reign and Arthur return? Will the House of Windsor swim the Tiber? Would make a good book I think.

    Why do some of these circumstances remind me of the Moorish occupation of Spain? No, must be another invasion.

  31. MWindsor says:

    Texit next.

    Long live the Repubilc of TEXAS!

  32. robtbrown says:

    PostCatholic says:

    I don’t share your antipathy for the UN nor the EU. It is nevertheless a comfort to know that long-standing international organizations which incorrectly imagine they do the world a benefit can unravel.

    One long-standing international organization saw to it, through the personal sacrifice of those closely aligned with it, that thousands of the children of Irish immigrants in the US received a good education for next to nothing–and not only in primary and secondary schools. Many also received university degrees, including graduate and professional, owing nothing but gratitude.

  33. rodin says:

    “I wish this could happen to the UN.”


  34. Peter in Canberra says:

    Some commenters have opined that the UK leaving the EU will be the start of some Catholic renaissance. I doubt it. The UK was far ahead of the EU in a number of perverted ways – experimenting on human embryos for one. The horror stories of UK local council persecutions of those who opposed adoption of children by homosexuals is another.
    Don’t fall for populist exaggerations.

  35. maskaggs says:

    Quite apart from the merits of the Brexit – about which I still know very little – I’m flabbergasted by the coverage from major American outlets. The story we’re being told is that this is so obviously a Very Bad Thing, because…racism, or something…and boy, oh boy, will those Nasty Old Men get what’s coming to them when the global economy comes screeching to a halt.


  36. PostCatholic says:

    RobtBrown, I’m sure I must have meant the Shriners. I like organizations that help refugees.

  37. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    The earth-scorching, salt-sowing Eurocrats seem minded to do away with English as official language, next: since they’re bent on dictating, I wonder how Latin might get a look-in (Urbs Aquensis Redux?) – perhaps if they could be subtly aided by an army of Latin School graduate interns? But maybe the secret agenda is to choose (one of the dialects of) Arabic to supplant English…

    In any case, this was interesting:

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