PODCAzT 148: Interview with Fr. Richard Heilman – Part 1

In this PODCAzT we hear the the first of two parts of an interview I did with Fr. Richard Heilman, pastor of St. Mary’s Church in Pine Bluff, WI a few minutes to the west of Madison.  I’ve written about Fr. Heilman may times.  I help out at that parish on weekends.  I’ve seen some great things going on there.  It occurred to me that what Fr. Heilman is doing there could provide some encouragement, especially in the wake of Card. Sarah’s appeal to priests to start saying Mass ad orientem.

In this first part, Father talks about a rather unusual situation he faced at the beginning of his pastorate.  We speak about moving his parish to ad orientem worship for all Masses.   He speaks about the influence learning the Traditional Latin Mass has had on him.  He also talks about working with groups of men.

Fr. Heilman is the maker of the Combat Rosary which was recently in the world’s view with the Commandant of the Swiss Guard help one up and referred to it in his speech during this year’s Oath Taking Ceremony in May.  I wrote on that HERE.

Fr. Heilman’s blog HERE.


Along the way you hear some music by Zipoli.  UK HERE

149 16-07-18 Interview with Fr. Richard Heilman – Part 2

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. jameeka says:

    Thank you–great job, Fathers! No Zuhlsdorf law today?… Sounds very good and natural.

  2. Tamquam says:

    This is so heartening! How I wish I could get my pastor to at least listen to it, and then implement it!

  3. kekeak2008 says:

    Wonderful podcast. I look forward to the continuation of this interview. Very encouraging.

  4. Semper Gumby says:

    Great interview, thanks Fr. Z and Fr. H. Looking forward to Part II.

  5. aquinasadmirer says:

    Dear Father,

    What are the pieces of music which are the bookends of this podcast.

    Great interview. Thank you,

  6. Pingback: PODCAzT 149: Interview with Fr. Richard Heilman – Part 2 | Fr. Z's Blog

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