Wherein Card. Burke greets YOU, the readers of Fr. Z’s Blog

Here is something from Card. Burke for all of you out there!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Wow! That made me tear up. Holy people do that to me. May God bless Cardinal Burke.

  2. KateD says:

    Thank you! And AMEN!!!

  3. Sonshine135 says:

    God bless you too Cardinal Burke, and thank you!

  4. MB says:

    Awesome! Thank you Cardinal Burke (and Fr. Z)!

  5. pannw says:

    Thank you, Cardinal Burke, for your faithful defense of the Truth! I thank God for strong and holy shepherds like you. We need you so very much. May God bless you.

  6. TNCath says:

    What a tremendous compliment to you, Fr. Z. Prayers for Cardinal Burke!

  7. deaconjohn1987 says:

    God bless Cardinal Burke!

  8. Traductora says:

    How nice! I’ve never met him but he has always struck me as a very kind and (really) humble man.

  9. ZCGP says:

    Oh my goodness, this is beautiful. His voice is that of a man at peace with God.

  10. JustaSinner says:

    Wow, how about a mass cloning of the good guys…

  11. Clinton R. says:

    Thanks to His Eminence for this greeting and thank you Father for sharing this with us. God be with Raymond Cardinal Burke. God bless you Father. +JMJ+

  12. Semper Gumby says:

    God Bless Card. Burke and Fr. Z.

  13. Kathleen10 says:

    What a blessing, to get that today! Thank you Cardinal Burke and Fr. Z!

  14. AlexandraNW says:

    I am deeply touched. And in awe of today’s technology, which allows such exchanges. Thank you, Father; and thank you, Cardinal Burke.

  15. JohnE says:

    God bless you Cardinal Burke!

  16. SKAY says:

    Thank you so much Cardinal Burke. You are always in my prayers
    May God bless you and keep you safe.

    Thank you Father Z.

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