Solemn Mass Green Eye Candy

As Prez of the Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison, I want to leave it all on the field.  We are doing our best to SAVE THE WORLD, one Mass at a time.  We want Holy Mass to be Beautiful.  Beauty, the transcendent, reflects and leads to God.  With the force multiplier of Holy Church sacred liturgical worship…. ?  Are you kidding?  We move hearts and minds.

We have now a beautiful set of green vestments for Pontifical Mass which we can use for Solemn Mass (at least until we get a dedicated Solemn set or … two).

Here is some eye candy from Sunday.  I decided, channeling my inner Spanky, I alerted the Gand, “Hey! Let’s have a Solemn Mass!”.  The scheduled celebrant had not done one before, but 2017 is going to be about MORE MORE MORE!  We are pushing forward.

I received some new photos.  Here they are.



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Ahhh.  Incense.

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So… that’s a little bit of how our people heard Holy Mass on the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany.



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. mo7 says:

    The vestments are great! Even the altar is draped in green! But I’m also looking at the church. The reredos is beautiful and the wood including the altar rail looks new. Not like the typical Latin Mass we-found-an -old-church-in-the-backwater-part-of-town- that-couldn’t-afford-to-wreck-it’s-traditional-interior look.
    So glad you are pushing forward!

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  3. Kostadinov says:

    hope the church was packed!

  4. Gabriel Syme says:

    Every aspect of the photos proclaims the beauty and dignity of authentic Catholic worship.

    Who could fail to be captivated / intrigued? Even an atheist would be give pause to witness a liturgy which is so obviously a manifestation of belief.

    Keep up the good work Father, thanks for sharing!

  5. crystal4zc says:

    What a beautiful sight to see. I wish the parishes nearby where I live would hold the Latin Mass.

  6. StephenB12 says:

    Absolutely beautiful.

  7. tradition4all says:

    Father Zuhlsdorf, was the a subdeacon a clergyman, or a “straw” subdeacon? Also, what does my question even mean? I’m not even sure. I just know that a “straw” subdeacon is something I’ve heard of. Thank you.

  8. If you have the man power, a Solemn High Mass should always be preferred over a Missa Cantata or a Low Mass (although each minister should take the part of the order he holds, not lower, not usually possible for subdeacon, I know). Many parishes don’t regularly have one every Sunday because they lack the necessary man power for one for various reasons (such as keeping a priest in the confessional during Mass). If you have deacons at the parish, this is a good place to use them.

  9. Barnacle says:

    Looking at these photos is like looking at someone else’s beautiful holiday pictures and wishing you were there! I am so jealous! I live so far away from all of this, it causes me deep pain and longing to see it. How I wish beautiful holy Masses like this were commonplace, (if such a word can be subscribed to the Holy Mass; ubiquitous might be better…) Why isn’t this the norm? Maranatha!

  10. stuart reiss says:

    Fabulous! Great photos too.

  11. Sword40 says:

    I’ll add my ooo’s and ahhh’s to the commentary. Our FSSP parish is slowly building it’s inventory of Solemn High vestments. At present we only have a gold set. Our parish is fairly small, about 250-300 people. Our first project was pulling all the dark blue carpeting out of the Sanctuary. Then the men built our altar rail. A gate is on order. Then the old organ needed an overhaul. Hopefully we’ll get a pipe organ before I pass on.
    But I suspect that a Solemn violet set of vestments will be next. Then a green set.

    We have plenty of items for a Missa Cantata. The FSSP parish to the north of us helps us by sharine their Solemn High sets.

    Beautiful set of green though Father, not to mention a beautiful High Altar.

  12. Sword40 says:

    Oops, sorry for the misspelled word. It’s supposed to be “help us by SHARING”.

  13. JamesM says:

    This is the first time I have ever seen a High Mass with green vestments.

    Unfortunately for most of us, they are so rare as to only occur on the most solemn of feasts.

    Well done to all concerned. These pictures look wonderful.

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