Important Prayer Request

13_04_11_GemmaUPDATE 4 March:

May I ask you all to redouble your prayers?   K is still in hospital now.  They are trying to get the spinal fluid to stop leaking.  This is becoming pesky.


Originally Published on: Feb 27, 2017

Will the readership please say a prayer for a friend – K – to St. Gemma Galgani?  Please ask her intercession – right now – to heal his spinal cord, still leaking spinal fluid – after surgery a while back.

Here is a common prayer, asking for St. Gemma’s intercession, which I have slightly modified.  Please take a moment – stop – and pray this now?

Oh St. Gemma, how compassionate was your love for those in distress, and how great your desire to help them. Help, also in his present necessity and obtain for K the favor I humbly implore, if it be profitable for his soul. The numerous miracles and the wonderful favors attributed to your intercession instill in me the confidence that you can help him. Pray to Jesus, your Spouse, for K. Show Him the stigmata which His love has given you. Remind Him of the blood which flowed from these same wounds, the excruciating pain which you have suffered and the tears which you have shed for the salvation of souls. Place all this as your precious treasure in a chalice of love and Jesus will hear you. Amen.

There is a Novena to St. Gemma for back pain.  HERE

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. PMK says:

    Prayer for K as requested

  2. Serviam says:

    Roger that.
    Prayers up.

    Love St Gemma :-)

  3. chris_R says:

    Done as requested.

    On a side but somewhat related note — I am grateful to learn of this great saint. I had no idea that there was a patron for spine and back issues. My wife has severe issues with spinal stenosis with back pain (she has a metal plate and screws holding parts of her neck together) so I now plead for St. Gemma’s intercession for her as well.

  4. Reginald Pole says:

    I have asked St. Gemma to pray for K.

  5. St. Louis IX says:

    I too have offered a prayer and asked for the intercession of St. Gemma Galgani for K

  6. Yes. Good choice of saints. I will pray in particular that the leak does not lead to a form of meningitis. I wonder about the cause of the leak because a neurosurgeon could stitch the tissue opening to the intrathecal space. Although K’s case might be more complicated.

  7. ChgoCatholic says:

    I have asked St Gemma to pray for K, also.

  8. PTK_70 says:

    Would anyone think less of me for relating that I also invoked St. Gemma to intercede for Tiger Woods….that he return to golfing greatness, if only for a brief time, as a faithful Catholic?

  9. Professor Q says:

    Praying to St Gemma for K, Father.

  10. VexillaRegis says:


  11. Mariana2 says:

    Of course, dear Father!

  12. ajf1984 says:

    Done, gladly!

  13. KateD says:

    Oops. That was a check mark.

    We’ve prayed for K. Back pain is so debilitating.

  14. Joseph-Mary says:

    Please also pray for Dan, newly diagnosed with multiple myeloma of the spine.

  15. Wiktor says:

    There’s something (holy hour?) linked to St. Gemma Galgani scheduled this week in a nearby parish.
    I’ll go.

  16. stephen c says:

    I will pray for your friend, Father Zuhlsdorf.

  17. rodin says:


    Also, thank you for the prayer. I have made a copy for future reference.

  18. gracie says:

    Thank you for posting this. I had no idea there was a saint for spinal issues. I had a spinal fusion when I was 28 years old and have suffered with scar tissue rubbing against my nerves for decades. I will pray for K.

    Btw – is there a patron saint for heart issues? I’ve recently been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and am getting conflicting advice from different doctors about how to treat it or even the extent to which I have it.

  19. yatzer says:


  20. beelady says:

    Done twice, Father. I will continue to keep K in my prayers.

  21. John Grammaticus says:

    of course

  22. stephen c says:

    I have redoubled my prayers for your friend, Father Zuhlsdorf, and I have started to pray for Dan, as per the request of Joseph-Mary.

  23. Professor Q says:

    Praying for K and for Dan.

  24. Semper Gumby says:

    For K and for Dan.

  25. Rosary Rose says:


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