His Excellency, Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison and the Extraordinary Ordinary, recently consecrated the diocese entrusted to his charge to Our Lady of Fatima.
He said:
“Jesus, we now want to imitate you and entrust ourselves to your mother. Mary, Mother of Mercy, we entrust to you all the faithful in Wisconsin, especially those in the Diocese of Madison.”
At the same Mass, at St. Peter’s in Ashton, WI where my friend Fr. Tait Schroeder is pastor, several children made their First Communions and there was a May crowning. More HERE.
More and more we need these moments of devotion and of consecration. This centenary of Our Lady’s appearances at Fatima should prompt us to consider more seriously the requests Mary made, and remember always to do penance and make reparation for sins which offend her Immaculate Heart.
It has been the highlight of my life to know holy priests. To see the fraternal charity these men have keep me in hope.
Bishop Morlino is one of these priests.
I am truly blessed to be a member of his flock … when other bishops and cardinals remain silent or worse, support the world over the Church … well, our Ordinary is EXTRAORDINARY!
I say, thank you Lord for Robert Morlino, holy priest, orthodox teacher and true shepherd.
God love you, Your Excellency.
Our Lady of Fatima, protect him.
It seems other bishops have done a consecration on the anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima. Our Bishop, Joseph Strickland, consecrated our Diocese of Tyler, Texas, to the Immaculate Heart on May 13 this year at a Mass concluding a diocesan Marian conference. I remember reading that other bishops consecrated their dioceses as well. We have a good bishop here. The Diocese publishes a quarterly magazine. In one issue he had a great article on the Holy Eucharist. In another he wrote one on Confession. The articles were directed mainly to the priests of the Diocese. God bless this good shepherd. He has always encouraged our FSSP parish in Tyler, St. Joseph the Worker.
This Bishop gives me so much hope.
I will continue to pray that more and more bishops follow his lead.
Deo gratias! May many more bishops, archbishops, pastors, rectors do the same.
I would expect this to yield great fruit in and of itself, but even more so if the people of Madison comply with Our Lady’s requests for prayer, penance, and the First Five Saturdays devotion.