IN THE WILD: on a muscle car

I enjoy getting “In The Wild” pics with Z-Swag.

Here’s a great one… from a reader… via Twitter…

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I have car magnets to support our priests and bishops.


Check them out!


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Semper Gumby says:

    Spiffy photo. May I suggest a bumper sticker against tailgaters: Combat Rosary Onboard – Vade Retro Satana.

    Then again, perhaps Fr. Z will bless my canister of caltrops mounted on the rear bumper whenever I purchase my private Humvee…

  2. Semper Gumby: Consider it done.

  3. Semper Gumby says:

    Thank you Fr. Z.

    At lunch today a friend pointed out that the caltrops would be useful against Mad Max pursuers, but useless when SkyNet becomes Self-Aware and deploys fleets of drones to despoil the Earth and torment humanity.

    He has a point. Thus, several additions: 1) Racks of rocket-propelled butterfly nets, 2) A giant fly-swatter mounted in a swiveling turret.

    And, for use when escaping Los Angeles during the “Three Days of Darkness”: tear-gas grenade launchers modified to safely eject copies of the Catechism and Summorum Pontificum in a 100 meter radius.

    Thanks again!

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