ACTION ITEM! Birettas for Seminarians Project ONGOING!

action-item-button¡Hagan lío!

I had a nice note from a reader who met a seminarian recipient of one of your birettas.

Here at Fr. Z’s Samizdat, for now I’ll anonymize this “In The Wild” pic.  It is just better that way, given the times we live it.


And another…  I know this seminarian is defended by his bishop, so there’s no problem.


These men send thank you notes and they promise to pray for the donors.

YOU, dear readers, have supplied over 100 birettas to seminarians.  Kudos.  Some thank you notes from seminarians with spiffy new birettas HERE and HERE.

Last night after the Pontifical Mass I was chatting with seminarians and learned to my horror that a few of them have their names on the BIRETTA PROJECT LIST and that they have – O the pathos! – been waiting for some love.  For pity’s sake – HELP THEM!

What is this project and how does this work?

We want to get as many clerics to use birettas (and all that goes with them – fidelity to doctrine, reverent ars celebrandi, good life choices, solid priestly identity, etc.) as possible.

  • Seminarians should 1) discern their hat size and then 2) contact the biretta supplier and get their names on a NEED list.
  • YOU, dear readers, contact the biretta supplier and PAY FOR the birettas which are then distributed.

You remain anonymous to each other.

Seminarians and potential donors…

Contact John in church goods at Leaflet Missal in St. Paul – 651-209-1951 Ext-331. 

DO NOT WRITE TO ME TO ASK FOR A BIRETTA!  (If a seminarian doesn’t get that straight then… how are your grades?!?)


If John is away, leave a voicemail with your phone number and he will call you back ASAP.

John keeps track of the names of the seminarians and their hat sizes. My involvement would only get in the way of the process. Don’t write to me.

Let’s encourage these men.

Call John and buy a biretta for a seminarian.  It’s as easy as that.

There is also a SATURNO FOR CLERICS Project.  Ask John about that, too!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Fr. John says:

    Fr. Z, the only thing I know about Blogs, is how to read them. But I am curious about one thing: do you deliberately post (some) pictures sideways to make us have to turn our computers sideways to view them? ?
    Very glad to see birettas in use….

    [SIDEWAYS?!? Where? Anyone else have this problem? I don’t see it.]

  2. skip67 says:

    I have the anonymous seminarian sideways also Father…

    [I changed it’s dimensions. How is it now?]

  3. skip67 says:

    Larger, but still sideways

  4. Frank H says:

    Sideways on my iPhone.

  5. Norah says:

    My anonymous seminarian is right side up.

  6. Dcn PB says:

    All pics are straight for me.

  7. Fr. John says:

    Fr. Z, I am using Apple devices iPhone/iPad and the anonymous seminarian is sideways on both devices. This seems to happen occasionally with various pictures you have posted. It’s not a big deal really, for me anyway.

  8. skip67 says:

    It could be my iPad or iPhone

  9. Hidden One says:

    The pics are also all fine for me.

  10. pannw says:

    Must be an Apple issue because when I checked the site today on my desktop pc, the picture was fine. Now on my ipad it is sideways. The second picture is fine though. Odd….

  11. Mary Jane says:

    Using an iPhone; the anonymous seminarian photo is sideways for me too.

  12. Elizium23 says:

    Some would call us rigid and wordly. I call it holy.

  13. Elizium23 says:

    A study in contrasts. Who is more prelate-ly?

    A Cardinal and an Archbishop-elect

  14. ChadS says:

    Is the second picture by chance taken in front of St. Joseph Oratory in Detroit? My wife and I were there two weeks ago for Sunday vespers and my parish priest is friends with the rector.

  15. tskrobola says:

    ChadS: yes, it is St. Joe’s! I went there for 15 years, was married there…..I’ve been in K-zoo since 2007, but go back to St. Joe’s occasionally.

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