From a reader:
Knowing well that a positive note can be a good thing for the soul, I just wanted to write a message to thank you for continually helping me (and I presume many others) to “man up” and be courageous in these dark days. Being depressive enough by nature, I feel that I can privately end up whining instead of clinging closer to Christ. Some of your recent posts these past few weeks have stiffened up my spine in a good way.
And, thus, I share this with the readership so that they, too, can be strengthend in turn by your resolve.
Well put and a sentiment shared I’m sure by most who consult this rich resource every day.
And thank you for your perseverance with the blog. We all need one another in these times. Know of my prayers and remembrance in the Holy Sacrifice.
Yes, it is wise to remain positive. What is happening in the Church these past few years is deja vu all over again for me. I was received into the Church in 1961. The craziness that followed Vatican II was too much for me and I dropped out for 20 years until I realized the error of my ways. I won’t make the same mistake this time. I find strength in the Eucharist and the Rosary.
Hear hear. It helps to be reminded that the Faith hasn’t changed, no matter who’s trying to play games with it. Don’t know if there’s yet much besides macaroni in my spine but I’m feeling a good bit more sanity in my head thanks to Father’s encouragement.
It helps a great deal, Fr. Z. And this blog walks that fine line between militancy and reason; and between a spirit of daring and that of suitable reticence.
Modernism is a most pernicious heresy, and since it operates under the radar always, it needs frequent calling out, as is done here. Otherwise Modernism continues to seep and to fester unseen, where it can do its worst damage. (I’ve heard Modernism defined as essentially a heresy that embraces the idea that all religious truth is more or less man-made, and subject therefore to the exigencies of time and place.
That according to Modernism, sin, virtue, Heaven, Hell, and Judgment ought to have little to no weight in our thinking; that all religion should have as its aim uniting all men and women in the effort to create a just and fully egalitarian society which disturbs the ecosystem as little as possible. All is for this life, in other words.
Whereas authentic Catholicism holds that Catholic religious truth is a part of God’s creation, and may be known to man either by his observing the laws of nature, or by the operation of reason, or by Revelation, or by two or all of these. And that this life matters, indeed, but that we are all here to win Heaven for ourselves and for our neighbor, and all human endeavor – government, culture, family life, commerce, the use of natural resources, the arts, the sciences, all – should be oriented toward the end of as many souls as possible attaining the joys of Heaven.)
exspecta dominum, viriliter age : et confortetur cor tuum, et sustine Dominum
(introitus, feria iii post Dominicam de Passione ; Ps 26, 14). A good programme.
The LXX’s ???????? [andrizou] is, if anything, stronger, the form denoting action : ‘act the man’ ; in comparison to the factitive ?????? [androô], ‘become a man’.