His Eminence Carlo Card. Caffarra has died. He is the second of the Four Cardinals of the Five Dubia to have gone to the Lord – in two months – without having read answers from Pope Francis.
And then there were two.
One of my Roman correspondents wrote this morning of a reliable priest’s account:
“His last words were of encouragement as the Lord will not forsake the Church and he will rebuild it with the few who will endure these times and to pray to St. Athanasius. He said, have faith, hope and love.”
Stop and say a prayer for Carlo Caffarra today. We hope that he is now, or will be soon, an intercessor in heaven.
Hopefully, all of his questions will now be answered.
I’ll pray for him tonight at adoration.
Requiscant in pace.
As such good Cardinals leave us, I find my mind drawn to that Yeats poem and am left wondering who will survive the biological solution after all.
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.
Thank you for sharing those last words, very encouraging.
A huge, huge loss. He was one of the most talented churchmen of our times.
“We hope that he is now, or will be soon, an intecessor in heaven.”
Perhaps the second of TWO intercessors. It seems that the Father does not take lightly the attack on His Son’s Church.
Like most fathers, they will support their sons especially when their sons are striving for holiness. In this case of course , one cannot truly compare earthly fathers and sons to the First and Second Persons of the Holy Trinity. However, the analogy does strike close to home.
God’s patience is running out with the wretches who are trying to destroy the
So as we always know, God gives us what we need … holy intercessors now seem to be on the priority list.
Saint Anthanasius, pray for us!
Did he have health problems? It seems awfully strange that two of the four brave Cardinals have died within such a short period of time. We must pray for the remaining two Cardinals and for Pope Francis. I am not sure what to think… the two deaths are almost Clintonian in their convenience to those who wish to dilute the Church’s teachings on marriage and sexuality. Am I out of line for thinking this does not pass the smell test?
I don’t understand. ….was his death just as sudden and unexpected as that of Cardinal Meisner….?
There is no reportage so far on the cause of death…..?
Timely at…79…uh-huh.
As with Card. Meisner it is difficult to ascribe Cardinal Caffarra’s death to anything other than age… all the same, coincidences sometimes aren’t; as such it might be prudent of Cardinals Brandmüller and Burke – especially the latter – to engage some Pontifical Food Tasters!
RIP. Way back in the day, he was my best Prof at the JPII Institute for Marriage and the Family which he founded for JPII. I learned much from him. He was quite the Thomist. He always came to class with a large variety of works of the Common Doctor, citing them frequently, as in every few minutes, demonstrating to us the cogency and strength of arguments over against the weakness and self-service presentations of the heretics of the day. I should restate my affirmation: he was, quite simply, my best Professor during all my twenty years in Rome.
He was scheduled to be the celebrant at the Summorum Pontificum 10th anniversary Mass at St Peter’s, too.
Damian Thompson just tweeted: “How very odd. Just been rung up by two cardinals asking if I can recommend a food-taster.”
My mind jumped to that possibility too, but then I felt silly and paranoid. That said, I would like to know the cause of his death.
In times like these, a bit of paranoia is healthy.
Please good traditional cardinals, bishops and priests…be alert. And you know, it never hurts to vary your patterns and be unpredictable.
Let’s not go all Dan Brown here…
Pray for the safety of all who defend the truth. Note the commentary from Bishop Gracida…
Stress, sadness, and being a child in post-war Italy are all probably factors.
I hear you Grant M. I don’t want to be a conspiracy nutjob. But I’m still wondering about the cause of death. Is it common for there to be no mention of the cause of death when Church officials pass away?