Today I delivered the last of the fabric – Shantung – to Gammarelli for the travel vestments.
The combinations will be:
White (gold trim) & Red (silver)
Black (silver) & Green (silver)
Violet (silver) & Rose (silver)
White (gold) & Blue (silver)
There will be enough fabric for miniature reversible Roman antependiums!
I remind readers that, if there are donors for vestments, I will make sure your name is either embroidered on the vestment somewhere, or at least on the small “envelope” that I will make for each one. You will be remembered in prayer. One of you has already sent a donation, which allowed me to get the fabric and get this started, and another has said that a donation is on the way by snail mail.
A reversible travel vestment, in two colors, with all the parts from Gammarelli will be about €600 (c. $715).
So, the project is now officially underway!
While out and about, I saw that the Italian Military Ordinariate now has a little church near to where I was in seminary, a chapel dedicated to the Holy Shroud that was a national chapel for the Piemontesi in Rome
Just for fun.
An inscription inside S. Maria sopra Minerva, in case one of you would like to test your Latin powers.
More later.
In the Church of St. Agnes in the Piazza Navona, you find a chapel with the baptismal font in which St. Francis of Rome (a favorite) was baptized.
St. Agnes met her end in a dramatic way. Accounts vary, but you would probably not want to endure it.
I loathe the dopey little Roman palls, just a little bit of starched linen.
I much prefer the sturdier pall.
Today on the feast of Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows.
In situ.
O Lord! What an exquisite chapel.
“One thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek:
To dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
that I may gaze on the loveliness of the Lord
and contemplate His temple.” – Psalm 27:4
Cantaloupe and prosciutto? Man, got to try me some of that!
You know, when you think about it, every celebration of Mass deserves to be honored in a stone inscription. You can be sure Jesus recalls every single one.
As far as I’m concerned, the shade of each fabric is as perfect as can be. The green (for me) is a little too close to olive and too far from forest; but other than that, they are all superb.
On the Fifth of May, 1940 … The Pope, the most illustrious Pius XII ….entered this place of worship (…. sacro solemno adstitit ( unless adso/adsto has a specific ecclesial meaning: stood here for the sacred rites (or the solemn sacrifice of the Mass, perhaps)) …. and commended (entirely commended) his fellow Italians (actually, simply ‘his Italians’) to (our) celestial patrons, Francis and Catherine …. to each of the two, and in an abundantly clear public proclamation, having moved (digressus) to the adjoining sanctuaries (presumably, from the altar) , gave a refreshing allocution to the gathered Franciscans and Dominicans, along with the “primi urbis” – the leadership of the city – at the Forum of Minerva – there, he gave an illuminating (lustravit) and blessed (fausta) speech to the multitude, who acclaimed it (the speech). The Preaching Fathers have placed (this inscription) for the memory of posterity.
Dr. Peters, Were it within my power to do so, you would be awarded a gold star.