Be sure to read Sam Gregg’s super piece at CWR on the 100th anniversary of the Communist revolution in Russia… which had the focus of Our Lady at Fatima.
A taste:
Herein we come face-to-face with the true nature of the evil of Marxism which was unleashed by the Bolshevik Revolution. Communism authorizes and even celebrates the suspension and suppression of moral norms that absolutely prohibit certain actions like lying—or theft or killing or being envious. It’s one thing to be, for instance, dishonest but acknowledge you are doing evil. It’s altogether different to say that no such moral absolutes exist: that morality is in effect a fiction, a mere set of customs to be dispensed with, whenever convenient.
Judging from what we’re learning about the cleptocracy that replaced communism, it appears that prayers for Russia’s conversion are still appropriate. Materialism is unsurprisingly still entrenched in the country’s culture and is seeking to spread its influence just as communism did.
After Lenin seized power in Russia in 1917, the next phase toward Utopia, according to Marx and Engels, would be the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat (workers).” Then, after human nature had been modified sufficiently, the State would “wither away” and humanity would live in utopian communes.
As we all know, the Soviet Union was a dictatorship from start to finish, and a Dictatorship of the Nomenklatura, not of the Workers. The Nomenklatura were Communist Party members and the “elite” of Soviet society. They were the Politburo members; newspaper editors and writers who produced propaganda against enemies and for Communism; economists who set production goals that were impractical and unhealthy; education ministers that filled textbooks with Marxist theory; etc. The Nomenklatura had the biggest apartments, shopped at stores prohibited to the average worker, and often flew off to the latest International Peace Conference.
Of course, the Soviet Union was never about Utopia or the welfare of the workers. It was about power.
Looking around the Church today it seems that some clergy, religious, and laity have absorbed part of the writings of Marx and Engels, and a method or two of Lenin’s. Then again, some in the Church today are perhaps inspired by Joachim of Fiore, a 12th century Italian Cistercian.
Joachim of Fiore believed that humanity would progress through three Ages. First, the Age of the Old Testament and God. Second, an age of the New Testament, Jesus Christ, and the Catholic Church. Finally, in the future, the Catholic Church and its doctrines would be unnecessary and the written Gospel would be replaced by a utopian “Holy Spirit” new age.