Today there was an terror attack in New York City. An Islamic, ISIS inspired Bangladeshi terrorist brought a bomb into the Port Authority during the morning rush hour. It detonated earlier than intended it seems, injuring the idiot badly. Stupid terrorist. Stupid, but still a danger. It could have been very much worse.
The Religion of Peace, right?
Sts. Nunilo and Alodia, pray for us.
And, friends, keep your head on a swivel. BE AWARE of your surroundings.
We are engaged in a great spiritual war. The Most Holy Rosary is (pace the naive) a great defensive and offensive tool of spiritual warfare.
Now go to read a story at LifeSite about saying the Rosary in these USA on 12 December, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, for protection from Islamic jihad and for an end to abortion. HERE
This is rather like the massive Rosary crusade held in Poland around the entire border of their country. HERE
An image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was brought by Don Juan of Austria into the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. OORAH! More on that HERE.
So… read the story and say the Rosary.
I will definitely pray the Rosary against Islamic terror and for the conversion of the Mohammedans to the Catholic faith, as well as the end to the evil of abortion.
Yes, Father, I went this past Saturday afternoon. Thanks be to God for giving His Church this Sacrament. Thank you Father for always encouraging us to go to Confession.