I am not making this up.
I discovered that TAN Books has put out an 2018 wall calendar (including both Ordinary and Extraordinary Form feasts, etc.) called… really…
Of course they also have other calendars featuring artwork of the life of Our Lord and of the Blessed Virgin Mary, etc. They are beautifully printed and handy for keeping track of how the calendars of the two forms of the Roman Rite coincide and diverge.
For more
I went to TAN and looked at some of the pictures in the Monk Calendar and those guys are so precious I just want to tweak their cheeks. They look jolly and saintly. The other calendars are beautiful as well.
Wonder if Tan would be willing to put together a calendar with pictures submitted by the customer?
I’ve got all three calendars! Love them.
This will be the third year in a row that my family has had a TAN wall calendar. It’s been Angels, Life of Our Lord and this coming year… Drinking With the Monks!
I’ve used the Tan desk calendar for years, and have had their wall calendar this year: they’re spectacular, and almost irreplaceable, if you want to keep track of both the 1960 and 1970 calendars (useful, for instance, if you primarily follow the 1960 but want reminders of more the more recently canonized saints).
I definitely have “Drinking with the Monks” ready to go for next month.