Last year, His Holiness of Our Lord canonized young Jacinta and Francisco, the seers of Fatima. They are, I believe, the youngest canonized non-martyr saints on the calendar.
“On the calendar…”. They aren’t on the traditional Roman calendar. I’ve written about that before. We have to do something to harmonize the traditional and modern sanctoral cycles. I digress.
In May 2017 I wrote about the miracle for the canonization of the two young saints. HERE
This is our first opportunity to celebrate their feast!
My son was always drawn to the statues of the three children and the lambs that stand in the courtyard at the (now horrible) Church in Waunakee. He absolutely loved them when he was a tricycle denizen. He would tell stories about them and wanted to hear the story of the apparitions over and over again. I’ve always considered them good friends of his patron saint and his guardian angel. It is wonderful to know that they have shown such great care for another little one in South America. I often wonder what my son actually saw when he sat with those statues. I suspect more than I did.
Today (Feb. 21st) is the feast of another very timely saint, Peter Damian: