LifeSite has a precis of Card. Müller’s interview with the German Catholic newspaper Die Tagespost. He talks about the state of the Church and of theology in that caput malorum, Germany.
Also, of great interest, were his comments on homosexuality:
For the U.S. audience, however, it might be especially of interest that Cardinal Müller, when once more discussing the matter of homosexuality, quotes the U.S. author Daniel Mattson. Mattson’s recent book is entitled Why I Don’t Want to Call Myself Gay, and the German cardinal quotes it when saying that “‘homosexuals’ as a third species, next to men and women, does not exist. I rely here on the book by [Daniel] Mattson” who, as someone affected by this problem, “is more trustworthy than all the prominent ideologues together.”
Apropos of that, this is pretty cool:
There are pockets of resistance in Germany. If any of your readers is in Berlin, call on the Institut St Phillip Neri, which has been offering the TLM with papal blessing since even before the Motu Proprio.
Interesting interview, thanks Fr. Z and Lifesite.
About theology departments in German universities, Card. Muller says: “Professionalism in theology is not well received.”
Robert Spaemann’s foreword to Martin Mosebach’s “The Heresy of Formlessness” mentions several problems with the lack of professionalism in “the theological training of future priests” in Germany.
In the U.S. former seminarian and current graduate student in theology John Monaco made an important distinction about a lack of professionalism at his blog “Inflammateomnia”:
“…my complaints regarding Saint John’s Seminary were not specifically about sexual abuse; they were about general misconduct, scandalous behavior by faculty and students, and an overall unhealthy seminary culture.”