Are looking for unique religious gifts? May I suggest checking out the beautiful art of Daniel Mitsui?
Daniel works with a fascinating fusion of forms and produces some invocative religious images, pleasing at a glance but profitable for contemplation.
He sent me prints of new work.
First, a work inspired by the old classic, which may hang in some of your houses (or parents’, or grandparents’), 1851 Light of the World by Pre-Raphaelite William Holman Hunt, in color or black and white prints.
Mitsui has a twist. Holman showed Christ knocking at the door. Mitsui shows Christ in the doorway after you open the door.
Mitsui always includes descriptions of the symbolic elements. Note well the spiderweb in the doorway… the door has been closed on Christ for a long time.
Also, he made an image of Our Lady of Hope.
These prints are lovely.
Why not – for the heck of it – go to his site and just scrounge around for awhile. There is some great stuff available.
One of these, or another, framed, would be a lovely gift.
I love that Christ at the Door one, and even better, it’s one of his that I can actually afford! Yay!