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Registered here or not, will you in your charity please take a moment look at the requests and to pray for the people about whom you read?
Continued from THESE.
I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Some are heart-achingly grave and urgent.
As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.
If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below.
You have to be registered here to be able to post.
I still have a pressing personal petition.
for employment
Praying for you, Father. Tomorrow I have to repeat a mammogram because of something that has changed since the last one, scares the living daylights out of me. I’m storming Heaven. God bless you all.
For Cardinal Pell. I am so horrified by what is happening to him. Prayers for you, Fr. Z.
Please pray for the conversion of my husband. Thank you.
For baby Gus and family; baby Gus will be delivered by C-section at least 10 weeks premature tomorrow due to Dandy Walker Syndrome. For 5 conversions of close loved ones. For justice for J in gaining custody and flexibility and for protection at all levels for J and N from longstanding and ongoing domestic abuse. Thank you.
For our beautiful, beleaguered Mother Church, that Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart’s complete triumph come quickly, and we see a restoration of Christendom in our society and world.
Also, Father Z, you are mentioned by name in almost every rosary I pray, and I do try to pray a rosary daily. In fact, right now I am trying to pray 2 five decade rosaries daily because of the urgent needs of my loved ones.
Fr Z, I will continue to pray for you. Thank You for all that you do.
For our family: we have to make choices regarding a potential job offer for my husband and my own career. WE also have a two pressing personal intentions (one regarding my health).
Let’s pray a prayer of thanks for our Protestant brethren in the United Methodist Church. This week at their Convention in St Louis, the leaders agreed to uphold marriage as “one man and one woman” (i.e. no blessing of same sex unions) and the leadership also upheld heterosexual behavior among its pastors. This convention (from what I understand) is similar in structure for the United Methodist Church as the Southern Baptist Convention is for southern Baptists. I also thank my Baptist brethren frequently (I live in Texas) for upholding what God intended on marriage and sex. There are two genders, not 71 (this was a point made last weekend at our mens conference).
I need the courage to leave my job and find a new one. I’ve been doing something as a fallback position for a number of years, and while I’ve never been thrilled with it, the new boss has ramped up the stress level to something bordering on neurotic for all of us in the office. I truly hate my job now. We’ve tried talking to the boss; he doesn’t get it, and he won’t change a thing. I think it might be time to find a way to go back to school so I can stop with the fallback position. But there’s that whole issue of funding that scares me…
Praying for you, Fr. Z. (Ok, so in addition to wishing you well, this is partly selfish on my part – I hope we have you here helping us for a long time.)
Thanksgiving for sale of our house.
Praying for all intentions here. Please pray for my personal intention.
Thank you
For my husband to get the very good job he applied for and for our family to be able to move there smoothly. For a really good outcome for us on a related matter.
Please also pray for some health problems of ours and for my home parish to have a new and good priest instead of the impossible one we have.
I will pray for all intentions here!
May God bless you!
I ask prayers for the healing of my wife, who is Polish, for whom I have been praying the chaplet of the Divine Mercy to St Faustyna.
Pro dolorosa Eius Passione, miserere nobis et totius mundi.
Dla Jego bolesnej M?ki, miej mi?osierdzie dla nas i ca?ego ?wiata.
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
And I offer prayers for the intentions of other commenters’ and of Fr Zed.
* For Cardinal Pell. His own “passion” may be getting a Lenten extension…
* For my Grandpa to accept that he does need assisted living and that he cannot safely live at home anymore.
* I still need a job.
* Conversions/reversions in my family.
Reading these humbles me and makes me remember everybody has “stuff”, it’s not just me.
Our nephew-to-be, a most wonderful young man, was hit head on two weeks ago by an impaired driver. It is amazing he is alive and for that miracle we thank God. His legs are very injured.
Please Lord, in your mercy favorably answer all prayers and needs here, for Fr. Z and for all. Amen.
Please pray for the chaplain from my sons’ high school. His situation sounds very serious.
Gregory the Great Academy
Dear Friends,
Urgent prayers are needed for Father Christopher Manuele, who is seriously ill and in the hospital. Father has suffered a series of strokes and has been diagnosed with acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. Please join your prayers with those of the students in their all-night vigil praying for his healing.
Prayer for Father Christopher:
O Holy Father, Heavenly Physician of our souls and bodies, who sent Your Only-Begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to heal all of our ailments and deliver us from death: visit and heal Your servant Fr. Christopher, granting him release from pain and restoring him to full health and vigor, that he may give thanks to You and bless Your Holy Name of + Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen
For Fr. Z’s intentions and that I may worthily and successfully carry out the Lord’s mission of walking across the country starting Ash Wednesday.
For the conversion of the various people whom I know. For my own anxiety and prayer life. Lately I’ve been struggling with prayer and dealing with despair. It seems like everything is going wrong in my life. I’m at the point where I’ve almost given up on praying altogether. I know it’s the wrong approach and will only make things worse but I can’t seem to get over the hurdle. I haven’t had to deal with this type of spiritual battle in a long time.
Also, please pray for the Dominican friars of the Southern and Central province who being ordained in a few months. And please pray for a friar who’s a good friend. I think he struggles with superior. And employment for JJG. He has a growing family and needs a job by the end of the summer. Thank you.
For all of Father Z’s intentions, for Fr. M, for Fr. Wang that his health will return, and for my dear granddaughter who is being bullied by a group of mean girls at her Catholic school in Madison. Lord hear my prayers! And the prayers of all here.
Prayers for all intentions here.
For a young priest I once knew and admired, who I recently found out has become Anglican and is in a “same sex marriage.”
That I find new employment soon. I’m really getting tired of the frequent on call weekend where I’m at now. It so happens one of the weekends will be Easter. Because of the nature of the on call weekends at my job, where I must be ready to leave home for whatever work they need me to do throughout my waking hours, it’s doubtful I would get to observe the holy day as thing are now, other than having to attend a less than desirable mass at 7 am at a modernist parish nearby. I’ve brought this up to the (non-Christian) management, who just don’t seem to care. The only reason I don’t truly hate the job is because it gave me the means to rent a bedroom and move out of my parents house.
For my dad to get speedy and substantial relief from his sleep apnea. For all of my immediate family to return to practicing the Catholic faith, especially my dad. For several colleagues battling serious illnesses. For 2 lost objects to be found. For issues in my workplace. And for all other intentions posted here.
Please pray for Cardinal Pell who has been falsely accused based on hearsay of one person, no evidence at all.
The media and certain politicians have been after him for years after he refused Communion to a group of gays protesting during one of his Masses when he was Archbishop. Many lefty Catholics here in the upper echelons have also been gunning for him for years because he cleaned up a seminary in which things were “going very bad” in terms of what was being taught. He’s a conservative in terms of politics and his faith. He also uncovered a lot of dodgy dealings regarding the Vatican’s finances, which displeased many. There is much more to say about the honourable things this great man of faith has done to right wrongs.=, including before the first prelate to set up aid and recourse for those who had actually been abused by the clergy. The first in the Catholic world, that is.
The police has been trying to charge him for years on various claims of sexual abuse, each time their case against Cdl Pell was quashed – one time because it was established that the Cardinal was not even in the country at the time of the alleged abuse. The police commissioner here was caught out lying by CDL Pell’s defense lawyer, a few years ago, and this top cop has never forgotten that, another reason he has pushed for Pell to be charged for many years now.
The police have also been determined in these charges and have now released the tape of his interview to the media when they charged him . One of the police remarked today that the Cardinal seemed “arrogant” during the interview. I’ve watched the tape, he wasn’t arrogant, he was appalled at the allegations. Cdl Pell is anything but arrogant – but that seems to be reason enough to convict him. And now the Premier of the State- Andrews, a socialist – was on radio saying there was no need for an appeal and appellate judges – five of whom were appointed by Andrews in 2018 – have been warned not to quash Pell’s conviction. Andrews has even claimed they have no right to do so.
He was particularly concerned with some Catholics saying they would visit Cardinal Pell in jail. “I don’t think that’s right. At this time, that is just not right.”
Cdl Pell is already in jail waiting sentencing which happens on March 13th. He has lodged an appeal but that could take months.
It seems there is so much against him. Please pray for him as the hounds of hell have been well and truly unleashed upon him.
The alleged “incident” supposedly occurred in 2016 a few months after he was installed as Archbishop of Melbourne.