From a reader…
I am making a set of vestments for my 9 year old son to use for pretend Mass over the summer. (I’ve been inspired by your posts regarding the travel vestments being made for your priest friend and plan to make my son’s double sided as well.)
My question is, can I buy a used altar server alb online and let him use it as his priestly alb? My main concern is that perhaps it was blessed and it would be wrong to use it at home for this purpose. I’ve found one that would be very cost effective and allow me to spend my time at the sewing machine concentrating on the more beautiful pieces. But I want to do the right thing.
I’m sure that Fr. Johnson will be pleased to know that his loss of vestments, and our project to have new one’s made has led to your project for your son. Perhaps he, too, will be inspired to consider a vocation to the priesthood.
Can you use a server’s alb.
Don’t worry about it having been blessed. If you get something online, it is being sold and bought, which would in any case result in the loss of the blessing. They aren’t going to be selling blessed things, anyway. That comes after they are purchased.
However, since we are on the topic of blessing vestments for Mass, here is the text of a beautiful blessing for priestly vestments. You can sense, in the texts, the grave and serious attitude that the Church had – and in places where traditional is fostered today still has – when it came to things intended for sacred purposes.
Almighty everlasting God, who decreed through Moses, your servant, that the vesture of high-priest, priest, and levite, used in fulfilling their ministry in your sight, should be worn to dignify and beautify the worship rendered to your holy name; mercifully heed our prayers, and be pleased, through our lowly ministry, to bless + these priestly vestments (this priestly vestment), bedewing them (it) with your grace, so that they (it) become hallowed and suitable for divine worship and the sacred mysteries. Let every bishop, priest, or deacon clothed in these sacred vestments (this sacred vestment) be strengthened and defended from all assault or temptation of wicked spirits; let them perform and celebrate your mysteries reverently and well; and let them always carry out their ministry in a devout and pleasing manner; through Christ our Lord.
This tells us something of the proper mindset of the one who approaches the sacred mysteries at the altar of the Lord.