Your Sunday Sermon Notes: Feast of the Purification (TLM) Presentation (NO) 2020

Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass that fulfilled your Sunday Obligation? What was it?

There are a lot of people who don’t get many good points in the sermons they must endure.

For my part…

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. AA Cunningham says:

    Ecumenism only exposes us to the errors of others, like what pagans in the Amazon do. – Father Daniel Nolan FSSP

  2. iPadre says:

    God went to the temple hidden as a child. The Spotless Lamb who would abrogate the old sacrifice for His new perfect sacrifice. Now He comes to us hidden again in the consecrated Host. His sacrifice is made present and we unite our sacrifice and our lives with the unblemished Lamb that we may become more deeply united with the Heavenly Father.

  3. First I talked about the Light that Jesus is. Immensely bright, brilliant, powerful, as the Transfiguration hints at. Yet this light was concealed; only two people in the temple saw it. Most miseed it. Then I talked about his priesthood, in relation to the first reading from Malachi. Jesus comes to purify and to institute a new sacrifice, foreshadowing the Cross and the Mass. Then I talked about our trials in getting the most out of Mass, and how much depends on attitude, which is a choice. I talked also about offering Mass at the empty tomb in Jerusalem, and yet the Mass in our parish church was no less real or glorious, because the very same Light of the World was in our church. Whether he fills the temple of our individual lives is our choice.

  4. A pleasant surprise, at my NO parish, a visiting priest gave his homily with a focus on Mary’s purification and how we must be purified continually. Confession was preached! Amen!

  5. teomatteo says:

    The priest talked about candles and how the wax represented the humanity of Christ and the wick his soul and the flame divinity, like that. and our place to become his light to the world.

  6. visigrad22 says:

    Wonderful homily connecting the ritual and law of the Old Testament of the Purification to the modern practice of Churching for new mothers showing the connection of the Old Testament to the fulfillment in the New making clear the need for Tradition…contrary to some recent statements from on high

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