On Thursday, 27 August 2020, His Excellency Most Reverend Donald J. Hying, Bishop of Madison, will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Traditional Roman Rite.
The Rite of Confirmation followed by a Solemn Mass will take place at 6:00PM at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison.
Bishop Hying, as did his predecessor Bp. Morlino, understands that people from outside of the Diocese of Madison may be interested.
Because of constraints on seating capacity in the church as dictated by civil government, it may be necessary to cap the number of people who can be admitted.
There is a deadline for correspondence: no later than Monday 24 August 2020. However, digital correspondence is possible, provided that a hard copy is also sent by mail (or delivered by hand).
All of this is spelled out in a letter that Bp. Hying has issued.
Download Bp. Hying’s letter HERE
Download sample letter from parents HERE
IMPORTANT: Send the confirmation NAME also to the parish!
Is there any possibility that this will be live-streamed?
(When visiting my wife’s late parents who lived on Dorsett Drive I used to attend St. Maria Goretti, and it would be nice to see it again, even if only virtually.)
What are the chances of an adult from Indiana can be Confirmed?
[Get the paperwork in and get there. There is no age ceiling.]
I clicked your “Sacrament of Confirmation” tag and scrolled the back issues but didn’t find my answer. The only difference in the liturgy (besides language, obviously) that I am aware of is the oft-remarked slap, which I think is now optional but rarely used? Are there others?
St. Junipero Serra confirmed hundreds of folks at San Juan Capistrano circa 1782. There’s a plaque there with exact particulars- but bottom line:
“Seating capacity” was of no concern to him. The only way such a large Confirmation would have even been possible is if people left IMMEDIATELY after they were confirmed to permit others to enter.
I’m confident the Apostles employed similar crowd control measures after Pentecost.
With all due respect, to even suggest that the number of Confirmandi must be capped is inconsistent with the historical record.
Quickly, in the Novus Ordo, Ordinary Form, Confirmation is generally administered during a Mass. In the traditional rite it is separate. The OF eliminated the prayer for the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit to be given. The newer rite got rid of the second imposition of the bishop’s hand which is considered by theologians such as St. Thomas Aquinas as part of the essential matter of the sacrament. The traditional form of the sacrament is, “I sign thee with the Sign of the Cross…”. In the OF the bishop says, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” which is adopted from the East. Afterward, in the OF, the ritual blow from the bishop is eliminated.
I wondered if there were differences in matter and form. Thanks for the sketch. It seems not unlike the difference between western and eastern rites of marriage.
Kent Wendler, St Maria Goretti church has also been used for ordinations. If you are interested , here’s a video of one: HERE