More from the official newspaper of the Italian Bishops Conference Avvenire, which recently defended the kiddie-porn laden movie “Cuties”.
Avvenire promoted a pro-sodomy book by a priest and moralist, Fr Aristide Fumagalli, L’amore possibile. Persone omosessuali e morale cristiana (Cittadella, Assisi … Possible love. Homosexual persons and Christian morality). The book seems to argue that homosexual acts are moral depending on the persons involved and there ought not be a standard applied to all people. Interpretation: it might be sinful for Karen and Becky but acceptable for Adam and Steve. Avvenire explains – positively – that this isn’t an overturning of moral teaching, because doctrine is not a “monolith fixed for all for all time”.
The official paper of the Italian Bishops Conference.
Also, the piece points out that the Preface was penned by the Bishop of Albano, Most Rev. Marcello Semeraro. He is interviewed in the Avvenire piece. In response to a question which included a line about homosexuality being a “Christianly possible gift”, the bishop says: “I deliberately resort to the words chosen by Francis in Amoris Laetitia for the simple fact that they seem to me not to be reserved for just one area of ??pastoral care, but are rather capable of delineating a truly “integral” pastoral project.” And… “The important task this volume seeks to understand is to what extent the two pillars of the doctrine about sexuality and marriage is very important: the procreative purpose and sexual intercourse within the male-female polarity, are applicable to the homosexual condition.”
Unless a change took place that I missed, Bp. Semararo is the secretary of the commission of cardinals (aka Gang of Nine) appointed to advise Francis on the government of the Church.
I note that the infamous footnote of Amoris seems to say that not all divorced and remarried couples (objective adulterers) are equal and some can be admitted to Communion based on their own discernment with “accompaniment”. Remember how Card. Kasper suggested that there were couples who could be “tolerated but not accepted”.
Where is the fraternal correction?
It all comes back to Gnosticism: what has always been declared sinful is not for a special group of people: the “accompanied” are the new enlightened.
Two Churches.
These ghastly schismatics have not the power to destroy Holy Church.
Moses took the trouble to bring down from the mountain two tablets that have served as “monoliths fixed for all for all time”.
Does one need to be a bishop, like Bp. Semeraro, in order to speak such gibberish?
As I understand it, here is the complete synopsis of sexuality, simple enough for even a cardinal to understand:
The two sexes exist, for man or beast or plants, for the purpose of propagating the specie. Thus we say that sex is ordered to the purpose of reproduction of the specie. We also say that any other use of the sexual faculties is a disordered use.
I’ve read it said that the venn-diagram of the Italian mafia and the Italian lodge is basically a single circle. Is it the same for their Bishops conference, too??? Blech…
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Objectively speaking, we know sexual orientation is neither chosen nor contagious. Where is the harm of two men or two women entering a romantic union and lifetime commitment? Whether they pair together or remain single and celibate, they aren’t going to bring any more children into the world. So why not bless their love and desire to bond together? I don’t see what the church, society or anyone has to lose by it.
[What is there to lose? IMMORTAL SOULS! Moreover, such a thing would cause scandal for others. Get these sloppy notions out of your head. Eternal life or eternal separation from God is… ETERNAL. This is the most serious, most important things there is to think about. The Church is obliged to preach and act so as to SAVE SOULS.]
You did miss something. New Head: Congregation for the Cause of Saints. Becciu’s old gig.
I hope that’s not true about the Mafia and the Lodge. As an Italian, I would be disappointed if a decent protection racket were tainted by Masonry.
What? Feminists have assured me that men cannot have valid opinions on womens issues because we cannot have babies.