Your Sunday Sermon Notes: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost (11th Ordinary – N.O.)

Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass for your Sunday (obligation or none), either live or on the internet? Let us know what it was.

Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.

Also, are your churches opening up? What was attendance like?

In a lot of places the dispensation from Mass attendance was ended.  Were your obliged to go.

For my part:

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Discerning Altar Boy says:

    Diocese of Providence, FSSP Parish, External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. There are no meaningful restrictions left here, attendance was probably 95% of our 800+ person capacity.

    Father preached on the need to have a deep Eucharistic devotion underpinning our devotion to the Sacred Heart. The three most important apparitions to St. Margaret Mary occurred as she was before the Blessed Sacrament. Additionally, Father recounted the story of the 1996 Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires, when the tissue was found to be living cardiac muscle.

  2. Discerning Altar Boy says:

    Diocese of Providence, FSSP Parish, External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. There are no meaningful restrictions left here, attendance was probably 95% of our 800+ person capacity.

    Father preached on the need to have a deep Eucharistic devotion underpinning our devotion to the Sacred Heart. The three most important apparitions to St. Margaret Mary occurred as she was before the Blessed Sacrament. Additionally, Father recounted the story of the 1996 Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires, when the tissue was found to be living cardiac muscle.

  3. The Astronomer says:

    If the churches have reopened and it is now a mandated obligation to return to Sunday Mass, but each time I bring up the topic of going to church, me and my spouse engage in regular verbal nuclear war (over ‘infection fears’, even though it’s been well over a month since the 2nd Pfizer jab for us) and for the sake of familial harmony I do not go, how big of a mortal sin am I committing? Logic goes out the window, to be replaced by “well, the doctor is wrong, because I read in my Facebook group that…

    It terrifies me that I could die in the state of mortal sin ( and I’m not being flippant here); however, Our Lord doesn’t have to face off with “She Who Must Be Obeyed.”

  4. Jim Dorchak says:

    Man Fr Z when you present a Sermon you are INTENSE!!!!
    With great joy we were able to watch your sermon on line today from Chile.
    What a great JOY what a pleasure.


    Well when you present your Sermons, you present it with Historical Context and all at the same time with relevance to our lives today.


    I have to wonder if the priest who are poor homilists are participating in the concupiscence of the people in the pews by boring them into drooling apathy where they completely lose the people’s attention.

    I am always impressed with your ability to speak (even about the weakest topic of interest) directly to my sensibilities,to my soul and to my brain and to my heart all at the same time.

    Surely this is a God given gift, and I thank God for him giving it to us. All of us lost out here with NO SHEPPARD at all.

    I wait for my Adult Children to return to the Church, and I do so with hope and a smile like the father who waited for his son in the drive way, and who ran to him.
    I would have a MASSIVE party for my Adult Children if they came back to the Church. (I would cook up a mess of BBQ so good that it would make you cry).
    I would search and search for my precious Children like a lost gold treasure too.

    I pray for you Father. We pray for you after your Masses since it is the only Mass we have here in the South of Chile. We always pray the Rosary after watching Mass on the internet.
    It is the only Catholic thing we have left.
    Thank you for your sermons and your work.

  5. IaninEngland says:

    @ Astronomer
    I read today somewhere that fear is the Evil One’s weapon of choice. Jesus, on the other hand, said “Fear not”. So, if you can gently help your wife to overcome her fears, that would blunt the Enemy’s darts. Pray, pray and pray again! I’ll pray for you tonight, too.
    Fact of the matter is, we have never had any reason actually to be afraid of the current ‘flu scam. I sha’n’t bore you with the (earthly) reasons but don’t ever forget that God is in command, not any scientist, doctor, civil servant, government minister, but God alone. He knows better than all of them and is way more powerful, too. :)
    Meanwhile, look at Jude verses 24 and 25, especially the bit about He is able to keep you, preserve you.

  6. Littlemore says:

    We didn’t have a sermon as such today, so as I’d bookmarked your sermon from last year on the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost I revisited it, and again I was in awe. Thanks Fr. Z. for giving us all a nudge towards regular confession.

  7. @The Astronomer:

    Get up by yourself quietly and go to the earliest Sunday Mass you can find–by yourself. Do it. Wear a mask and observe social distancing if that will mollify your wife, but do it. She will complain for a while. Then she will stop. Don’t argue with her; don’t say anything, in fact. Just quietly get up and go to early Mass every single Sunday morning. You will be surprised at how quickly she will adjust when she finds out that she is talking to a wall. You cannot allow any other person, including your wife, to bully you into committing a mortal sin, or in fact, to bully you, period. Remember that St. Paul says wives should be subject to their husbands, not the other way around. If your wife doesn’t want to go to Mass even if she is fully vaccinated and the church is observing proper safety protocol, that’s her problem, not yours. We are each responsible for our own salvation.

  8. Gregg the Obscure says:

    Obligation was restored here on Pentecost. Attendance at 1030 at the Cathedral was about half of the usual pre-lockdown amount with older folks representing the majority of the shortfall. I hope they attended an earlier Mass today.

    Father spoke about how we need to follow the example of the Blessed Virgin in being docile to the will of the Lord in our lives and that we can only know that will by persisting in prayer, particularly in communal prayer. He gave an inspiring example of a scripture scholar of his acquaintance who was rescued from crippling despair by intense commitment to prayer.

  9. cantrix says:

    FSSP parish in Baltimore, MD, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
    Our pastor spoke of the great mercy that Our Lord offers to each lost soul and the necessity of penance. Our penance/acts of atonement are an offering to Our Lord’s justice which He always deigns to accept.

  10. JSzczuka says:

    Diocesan parish, TLM, External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. Restrictions just lifted this weekend (finally) and there were more people at mass. Also seeing new people at the TLM. Have been for some time, but even more this week. Wonderful homily on the amazing love of Christ for us, so rich, so undeserved. Not sappy, really moving. A friend I brought to his first TLM since youth was visibly moved (by all aspects of the mass) and wants to come back.

  11. RobinDeLage says:

    Sunday Obligation returns to Minnesota on July 4th.

  12. exNOAAman says:

    One point, because it’s come up elsewhere….
    Byzantine Catholic parish; published the new virus rules directly from the Eparchy, including a statement that “no one may be questioned about their vaccine status.”
    (Maybe there’s a back story there)

  13. NEIL ADDISON says:

    Here in England the rule requiring Sunday Mass attendance remains lifted until the epidemic is sorted (if it ever is) however most Churches are open and managing though with reduced congregations due to Social Distancing etc rules.

    However the Latin Mass Churches in the North West of England (ICKSP In Wirral (my Church), Preston, & FSSP in Warrington all tell me that their weekly congregations have increased since the start of the Epidemic. I certainly know that for over a month the only Catholic Church operating in Warrington was St Marys which is run by the FSSP. Many people apparently started going there and have continued to attend so interesting what the long term effects of all this may be

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