St. Ann: “Enough playing with the Holy Spirit now, time for your bath, and mommy still has to pray her psalms” – Mary: “Obey your granny.”
Photo by The Great Roman™
BTW… The Great Roman™ and I had a terrific exchange about the significance of this painting, its symbolism, its history, including delving into Proverbs 31 and the great Jesuit theologian Cornelius a Lapide.
Excerpt: “Anyone of these old painters would make a better theologian than the whole Gregorian University combined.”
I’d love to hear about this in detail! How about telling us all about it?
This is fun. Baby Jesus is fussing again because He isn’t getting to play. Bath time is fun though because Mary loves Him so much. Baby Jesus has two main women in His life and as this painting illustrates: they run the show, whatever they say goes!
Is this a pre-Candlemas scene, with reference to the “par turturum, aut duos pullos columbarum” of St.Luke 2:24?
It seems certainly a “perfectus homo: ex anima rationali et humana carne subsistens” scene, in any case.
It is much appreciated when art is explained. It makes it so much richer. An example is the header you often have of the priest and perhaps a rabbi, who appear to be burning books in a fireplace. I always wonder who they are and what they are doing.
Enough playing with the Holy Spirit now
Pretty funny – assuming St. Ann could have caught the Holy Spirit by the wings.
Other than the bird, I cannot pick out anything that even hints this is a Madonna & Child Jesus depiction. Mebbe I just dumb.
Well Mary’s clothes are a dead give away that it’s her. Also Mary has to pray her… Hail Marys!!! :-D
Funny, last night I was just reading in Fr. Jackson’s book “Nothing Superfluous” about how art, the cathedrals, and especially the Mass teach us more about Catholic theology than any intellectual exercise ever can.
Ha! good one: Mary praying Hail Marys.“Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners…” lol, the one prayer she can’t pray herself!