Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass for your Sunday (obligation or none), either live or on the internet? Let us know what it was.
Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.
What was attendance like?
Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass. I was getting reports that it was way up. But now COVID… again…. Tell me it doesn’t have a demonic component.
Was the Motu Proprio mentioned? Any local changes or news?
For those of you who regularly viewed my live-streamed daily Masses – with their fervorini – for over a year, you might drop me a line.
went back to my old parish for first time since before the lockdown began. a friend had the noon Mass said for my late wife so i naturally wanted to attend. a young priest who was new to me gave a synopsis of Les Miserables focusing on the transformative power of forgiveness and asking us whether we let forgiveness transform us as it transformed Jean Valjean or if we cling to the sins of others like Javert.
attendance was sparse, but it was noon on a very hot day and so am hoping people availed themselves of earlier options.
Bishop Olson added the St. Michael prayer at the end of mass!
We travelled to a Ukrainian Divine Liturgy this Sunday. There hasn’t been a TLM in our parts in a month.
The priest there spoke on what heaven will be like, and connected the beheading of St. John the Baptist very well to his theme. One line that stood out was: “The only way to get to heaven is to be madly in love with God.”
The church was full. Probably half regulars (Ukrainian), and half displaced TLMers.
Ours was good but I’m old and the mother of many so I can’t remember. I was just telling a priest-friend today that mostly we need encouragement. A little encouragement goes a long ways these days, especially because it’s tempting for all of us to get discouraged. We can do this! Happy Feast Day yesterday, Fr. Z. I prayed for you a little extra.
Priest said St Michael prayer loudly. Gave it extra emphasis.
Our priest led off with the quote from Proverbs that Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We cannot think clearly if we do not think of how relate to God. We can focus too much on ourselves and end up like the Pharisees from the gospel reading doing what started as a holy thing for all the wrong reasons, or we can declare, we can remember, that what we do is for the Lord, and that puts everything in the proper perspective. We do this and what the Lord gives us will grow and we will prosper spiritually.
It was far and away the very most-cohesive sermon, binding the readings and the collect all together, that I think I’ve ever heard at a regular parish Mass.
I hope the parish Nancy’s (that’s Karen’s older sister, for all you GenZ and iGen folks) doesn’t get him sent to a mining ghost town out here like happened to a couple of his predecessors.
Nicely crowded at 8 AM at St. Stanislaus in Milwaukee. Fr. Ermatinger offered Low Mass and Canon Jayr preached. Did a good job of connecting the Epistle (Fruits of the Holy Spirit) with the Gospel (seeking first the Kingdom).
With a wriggly child, so what I heard of the sermon was that meekness is not to be confused with weakness. Meakness is how our emotions are placed under control. Christ was also being meek when He took a whip to the sellers in the Temple; His anger was proper and was under control.
All the prayers after Low Mass were said plus, in place of the usual hymn, we sang the Salve Regina and were afterwards given the First Blessing by the fairly recently ordained Priest. Beauitiful!
Good attendance at this SSPX Mass, and a good percentage of young families with toddlers &c. Let God be praised.
Was up North near Houlton ME (where Interstate 95 ends) so attended mass at St. Mary of the Visitation church a modern facility done in typical 1950’s Airport Terminal style but the people and clergy were reverent and the church thoughtfully provides kneelers at the front for those wishing to receive in the Church’s norm of kneeling and on the tongue. I wish more churches did this. Newly appointed pastor Fr. Kevin Martin explained how we need to be following God’s laws and not those of the world around us.
The priest spoke about virtue and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It was a very nice homily, though I don’t remember all he said. At one point, he used the words “exquisite virtue” and those two words have stuck with me ever since. I love homilies like that.