HEMSTED, NY – Saturday 23 Oct – Prayer Vigil with Sacred Relics at Planned Parenthood (aka Big Business Abortion)

For those of you in New York…

Join Fr. Carlos Martins of Treasures of the Church and relics of over 150 saints in a prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood’s abortion mill in Hempstead, New York

A peaceful prayer gathering invoking the intercession of the Saints to stop the slaughter of the most innocent and vulnerable members of society.

Saturday, October 23rd from 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Planned Parenthood
540 Fulton Ave, Hempstead, NY

Anyone interested. The vigil will be led by Fr. Carlos Martins. He will be accompanied by the Pro Bikers for Life (www.probikersforlife.com) and Knights from various Knights of Columbus Councils.

To be a voice for the unborn and to join our voices to the voices of those in Heaven.

On a personal note, I’ve seen what Fr. Martin has and know his apostolate well.  I’ve also heard about the many miracles that have been worked by God through contact with these relics in his apostolate.

If you can’t attend, then pray at the time of the rally and perhaps make a donation to Treasures of the Church.

¡Hagan lío!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. Not says:

    That is one of the greatest testaments to the power the Saints of the Catholic Church that I have ever seen. My Church has as many Relics. I will share this.
    We can have Lepanto’s.

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