WAUKESHA, WI – Car attack on a parade – many injuries including PRIEST, parishioners

UPDATE 22 Nov:

From the Archdiocese of Milwaukee:

Statement On the Waukesha Parade Tragedy
A statement from Sandra Peterson, Communication Director, Archdiocese of Milwaukee about the Waukesha parade tragedy.

“Our prayers are with the people who have been injured and killed during the tragic incident in Waukesha.

Among the injured are one of our Catholic priests, as well as multiple parishioners and Waukesha Catholic school children.

Please join us in prayer for all those involved, their families, and those who are traumatized from witnessing the horrible scene.”


Originally Published on: Nov 21, 2021 

You are seeing the news about Waukesha (not far north west of Kenosha).  It is a small town.  I’ve been there.

I have a priest friend who lives in Waukesha.

He just told me that TWO PRIESTS have been a priest was injured in the attack with the vehicle on the parade, along with parishioners.

Pray for this priests and all the other victims of this attack.



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Pingback: WAUKESHA, WI – Car attack on a parade – many injuries including TWO PRIESTS – Via Nova Media

  2. Liz says:

    Oh no! We will pray for all of them especially the priests!

  3. Liz says:

    p.s. Especially all of them. That didn’t come out like I meant it. It sounds awful.

  4. Elizabeth D says:

    I am so sorry but glad they are alive. I noticed there is some type of church (looks like) in some of the video or images. Difficult to imagine who could have done this and why. Some news outlets are labeling it terrorism. One thinks of the German Christmas market incident.

  5. Elizabeth D says:

    I have seen a suggestion on the internet about this tragedy that the occupants of the SUV may have been fleeing a prior violent crime and it is not thought to be terrorism. Who knows.

  6. dahveed says:

    Adding them all to my Rosary intentions.

  7. Dan says:

    This is so sad. my prayers go out to all the families involved.

    I find it disturbing how many news sources seem to be completely and intentionally misrepresenting the parade as a “Holiday Parade” instead of the “Christmas Parade” that the city calls it.

  8. Lurker 59 says:

    I have a close friend in southeastern WI. We touched base. It might hearten the readership to know that they reported that, while they were at Adoration late Sunday night, people were coming and going to pray in the chapel. The Catholic community in that area of the Archdiocese is fairly stable and interconnected. Even though the area is urbanized, it is still very rural and has rural sensibilities. This will be felt hard but many of the people know still to turn to Christ the King instead of railing against the stars.

    Prayers are very much needed and appreciated.

  9. Dave P. says:

    The injured priest’s name is Fr. Patrick Heppe.

  10. Kathleen10 says:

    Where are we. What the heck happened to the world we knew.
    Anybody who believes this terrorist was fleeing a crime scene and just happened to run over people at a Christmas parade, killing and injuring babies, children, and dancing grannies, priests, etc., well, I would love to still be that innocent.
    It seems like either a muslim attack on Christians or revenge for Rittenhouse.
    But nobody will speak reality anymore. We all need to pretend that our senses are lying to us, that what we see every day, is not reality. The media pretends, politicians pretend, and we’ve got to pretend. Truth no longer matters. Only illusion matters. Only not making waves and avoiding being noticed by the wrong people matters. Only this big game of let’s pretend matters.
    Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace, and may He heal and comfort the wounded and survivors. Tonight, babies are in intensive care. I’m sorry, I’m no help, I know. Please God not one person says around me to pray for the perp.

  11. TonyO says:

    What a horrible thing to happen! Prayers for those who suffered.

    Can I ask one question: what in the world is a town doing with a Christmas parade before Thanksgiving? What’s up with that?

  12. JMody says:

    And nobody wants to hear this — but shouldn’t we also be praying for the perp and his enablers, that they have a conversion of heart, realize the true horror of their crime, and truly repent??
    This is something I heard ONE TIME ONLY, and yet it has stuck with me, and seems to be something that was closer to the surface, oh, maybe 60 years ago than it is today, but we pray FOR sinners. If God can forgive ANYONE then He can forgive Nero or Hitler or Mao, assuming they had a conversion of heart. Or are you going to tell me His mercy is not infinite, He was wrong to pay the last workers the full days’ wage, to dispense His goods/mercy as He sees fit?

    And yet, in this enlightened, more accessible, more in-touch day and age, we never pray for the conversion of the sinner. We only pray “for the victim” – for what? Dear God, there was a victim, please accept my prayers for him/her/it/qe/xe/whatever? How about this – “Dear God, that was a horribly tacky but well-intentioned parade, please overlook any sins of the murder victims and grant them your salvation, and please provide the injured with a speedy and enduring recovery, and convert their hearts that this tragedy might make them your ardent disciples”???

    Nope, can’t do it, not inclusive … in fact, that looks rather, dare I say it, rigid?

  13. Fr. Kelly says:

    JMody says:
    “And yet, in this enlightened, more accessible, more in-touch day and age, we never pray for the conversion of the sinner. …”

    Don’t project onto the rest of us.

    5 times every time we pray the rosary:
    “Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of Hell. Lead all souls into heaven, especially those in most need of Thy Mercy.”

  14. daughteroflight says:

    @JMody I say now, presuming we don’t pray for the perpetrators is a bit much. Speaking for myself, I regularly spend most of my efforts on their souls, since it seems the most needed. My deepest desire is to see men like Hitler in Heaven, not because I think there’s a good chance that he specifically ‘made it’, but because I’d like to think that God extended the grace of conversion to him at the last moment, and he embraced it. I’m not sure where the sudden animus against the readers here is coming from, but as Fr. Kelly suggests, your target audience might not need the message you’re preaching.

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