Prayer Before Using The Internet HERE
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Daily Prayer for Priests HERE
Daily Offering HERE
Pingback: St. John Chrysostom: Patron Saint of Telling It Like It Is: On bishops – Via Nova Media
I think this is the right link to that homily.
Another similar quote from St. John Chrysostom:
“The road to hell is paved with the skulls of erring priests, with bishops as their sign posts.”
[That is spurious. There is no such quote about hell or skulls in what we have of St. John Chrysostom.]
Could this be the source of something else that the Prophet plagarized from Christian and/or Old Testament sources?
I think he must have been referring to Masses like this when he made that statement. I may be committing a sin with that statement and with this video but I stand by it. No drum kits in a sanctuary EVER.