EXPLICIT: Impose “synodality” (“walking togetherity”) and the other stuff will follow

This is from Catholic Vote.

Everyone, I’ve been saying all along that whatever “Walking Together about Walking Togetherity” might produce in terms of texts or recommendations for some papal document, none of that makes a difference. The real content is the process itself. The process, permanent revolution, is the content.

Get the structure and process of the permanent revolution firmly established and then all the other stuff – sodomitic blessings, ordination of women, etc. – will follow.

Take a look at this now from Catholic Vote.  My emphases and comments.

Panelists Sidestep Apostolic Tradition Question at Vatican Press Briefing

Two Synod participants sidestepped a question about the importance of apostolic tradition and divine revelation during Monday’s Vatican press briefing, choosing instead to emphasize “synodality” and “listening.

Fr. Vimal Tirimanna, a professor of moral theology from Sri Lanka, and Sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM, the executive secretary of the International Union of Superiors General, said in a press conference that divine revelation and apostolic tradition are present and taken into consideration when discussing issues facing the Church.

However, both Tirimanna and Murray added to their initial answers, saying that some issues—like the ordination of women or the blessing of same-sex couples—[NB] require a synodal mindset and lifestyle.

“Of course, different people have different issues,” Tirimanna said. [Watch this…] “I can assure you, once the firm foundation of the synod life is laid, those things [particular political or controversial issues] can be built up on that.

“In one sense, the most important thing is not[!!] to address whether women can be ordained, or that LGBTQ+ [individuals] should be accepted or gay marriage should be blessed,” he continued. “Not that they are not important, but[!!!] if we are serious about the universal church, a church that is worldwide, we have to lay a firm foundation that includes everybody’s interest. So first we lay the foundation—the foundation of a synodal way and listening culture. Automatically, these issues are bound to come sooner, if not later.”  [Did you get that?  First, get the process in place in a stable way, and all the other things will follow]

Sr. Murray also agreed that revelation and tradition make up the fundamental basis of discussion at the synod, but [!!] then added that it’s important to learn how to be “a synodal person.

“One of the key aspects of being a synodal person in a synodal church is to learn to have freedom,” [B as in B, S as in S.  “Freedom” for these people means “You are free to agree with me.”  And if you demure, then in the spirit of Rawls, you must be UnPersoned so that you are not an obstacle to consensus.  After all, once you eliminate the naysayers, you have consensus.] she said. “Yes, I have my own inclinations and things I would like to see happening, but if I really am truly training in the synodal process, I leave those aside. [… must adhere to GoodThink… no OldLife… no CrimeThought… only DuckSpeak… BlackWhite… BlackWhite… 2+2=5… time is greater than space… unity prevails over conflict… ] I pray for freedom; I pray for the grace to be truly open to what my brother and sister are sharing and saying; I pray to God’s Spirit to give me the enlightenment and insight into where we’re being drawn as a body, as this communion of people.”

“I know that’s a complicated answer,” she said. “You may say ‘you didn’t answer my question’ [A common occurrence at these pressers.] but I think unless we learn the importance of formation for this way of life, we’d be frustrated and we won’t understand what’s actually happening or what we’re being called to.”

At Synod press conferences, journalists from all over the political spectrum continue to ask about the role of the Catholic Magisterium in the Synod on Synodality, including synodal discussions of LGBTQ+ “inclusion” and the ordination of women.

The questions will continue to be about those things but none of the answers will be.

The true content of this thing going on is the process itself.

Permanent revolution.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TonyO says:

    This reminds me of a comment in an article by Thomistic professor Ed Feser:

    “Maurice Blondel, who argued for replacing the Aristotelian-Thomistic conception of truth as the conformity of intellect to reality with the notion that truth is the conformity of intellect to life.”

    It’s complete idiotic nonsense, of course, because if you start down that pathway, there is no basis for distinguishing between conforming to a good or wholesome life versus conforming to an evil, destructive life. Either one counts as “conforming to life”. That alone should count as a reductio ad absurdum to the theory.

    But no, instead we found modernists in the Church doing exactly that: priests (and bishops allowed communion in the hand in clear defiance of the law and over 1500 years of tradition, so the law was changed to match “current practice”, even though it was not current practice universally, only where bishops didn’t care to inculcate respect for the law and for Christ in the sacrament. Same thing with girl altar boys: some priests introduced it because they didn’t like being bound by law and they want to be innovators (a terrible, destructive motive in the Church), and bishops couldn’t be bothered to stop this in its tracks, so (after a while) the Vatican instead changed the law permitting it (not requiring it) to honor the “current” practice, though of course it wasn’t practiced everywhere – it soon WOULD be because of the change in law and the refusal of bishops to simply do their job and root out evil where it pops up anew.

    The modernist technique to dealing with resistance is indeed “the process”, i.e. to wear down resistance over time by disobedience and violation of any (and all) norms, and then claim that “see, these ‘norms’ aren’t really norms at all, are they?” It’s a fraudulent practice from top to bottom, and it needs to be rejected from top to bottom, which means not allowing the process from getting a foothold.

  2. Dan says:

    I wonder if satan gets a spot at the synod? We have to listen, is part of the synodal process to listen to satan as well? I wish someone would ask them that. If we should afford the devil the dignity of listening.

  3. Jim Dorchak says:

    The more they want us to “Walk Together”, the more I want to run away …. as far as I can from these Satanic people.

  4. Crysanthmom says:

    It amazes me, you can see it unfolding, God has hardened their hearts, they actually believe what they are saying and that they’re doing the right thing. Never mind truth, never mind scripture, ‘for right now we can only focus on our own brainwashing’, is what they’re really saying. To be born for a time such as this, Praise God!

  5. aam says:

    Are there any Catholics at this synod?

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  7. BW says:

    What is a “synodal lifestyle”?

  8. piggin says:

    Permanent revolution it completely unacceptable.
    This is the start of a new man centered religion. The abandonment of truth for the sake of the flavor or issue of the day is diabolic.
    You know what else is completely open? A dumpster. A dumpster will accept anything. And of course the contents go to the dump (hell).

    Stat Crux dum volvitur orbis. That is where I stand…at the Cross with Our Sorrowful Mother. Apparently, the synod has no idea where that is.

    Or more likely…hates the Cross. Also mortification, purity, chastity, fasting.
    Apostasy in progress!

  9. B says:

    I don’t understand the language these people are speaking. All I know is that they are trying to tickle our ears.

    “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed! As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let that one be accursed! Am I now currying favor with human beings or God? Or am I seeking to please people?…” Galatians 1:8-10

  10. Benedict Joseph says:

    “…require a synodal mindset and lifestyle…”
    Their “reasoning” is akin to gender disorientation. Unadulterated madness.
    I will never be a Jesuit Synodalist. I am a Roman Catholic, a Christian.

  11. brhenry says:

    Church structure: From Monarchy to “democracy”…

  12. ex seaxe says:

    Yes, it surprises me that so many people do not believe that it is about process, the clue is, as they say, in the name: a Synod on Synodality.
    Not about doctrine or dogma, about synodality, which is a means of proceeding.

  13. Gaetano says:

    If you torture a theological principal, you can make it confess whatever you want it to say.

    They’re going to Synod the life out these principles. Afterwards all debate will cease, since it offends the new, “correct” consensus.

    Anglican converts have seen all this sophistry before. It does not end well.

  14. streamer85 says:

    Trained facilitators + small groups = controlled agenda. Ahhh, I get it.

  15. Not says:

    Non answers answers? They all took leasons from Pope Francis, the King of non answer answers.
    I would have more respect for these despicable repobates if the just printed what they want without going through the farce.

  16. kurtmasur says:

    They should just be honest about this “synod”. Sure, it is indeed about “walking together” and about “listening”, but only on a selective basis. It’s selective “walking together” and selective “listening”.

  17. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    These people are silly, and this isn’t going to go well for them.

  18. Bosco says:

    The Synod qua non.

  19. Catholic School Kid says:

    The Catholic Church annulled 300 or so marriages in 1968. By 1989, the church annulled 70,000 a year.

    Current annulment grant rates approach 100%.

    The Catholic Church abandoned lifelong marriage between a man and a woman decades ago. And no one said a thing about it.

    Now Catholics aren’t even bothering to get married. Why are Catholics surprised the Pope wants to bless same sex marriages?

    Easy annulments redefined marriages as temporary and sanctified the destruction of families.

    Thanks canon lawyers.

  20. anj says:

    It’s all been done before in mainline Protestant denominations. See the tragic ehistory of the Episcopal church and the Church of England. They already went through all this starting 50 years ago or even more.

  21. bookworm says:

    Regardless of what you all may think about George Weigel, I think this analysis of the Synod is accurate, plus it contains a phrase too good to pass up: “obsessive ecclesiocentrality”.


  22. OrdainedButStillbeingFormedDiakonos says:

    I would ask if this revolution occurs, which I contend will happen, what are tradition Catholics supposed to do? We can’t “break off” and form our own Church. Luther did that and look where that got things.

    I would like to think all like-minded traditional and orthodox Catholics would band together and RESIST. The Catechism teaches that is what we are called to do to government after all when immoral laws are passed. And the Catechism is magisterial. I’m preaching on that this weekend – we’ll see how that goes over!

    We should apply that to the Church as well, since it seems to have become a dictatorship with an Argentinian in charge. So we treat them like a secular government, which is what they are fast becoming.

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