ROME 23/10 – Day 29: This is day 302 of this year of grace

Okay… let’s do this.   “Daylight savings” is over.



17:30 is the Ave Maria

This is day 302 of this year of grace.  There were/are 64 to go as I write and this day ends soon.

Welcome registrants:


In the Vetus calendar, it being the last Sunday in October, it is the Feast of Christ the King.

Again, I had this pesky video problem.  I have some lovely audio.  Will you be patient and let me get to it later?


That archpriest shouldn’t be looking around!

It was a feast for the eyes and ears.  There was a visiting choir from England.  Ahhhhhh…..

I wanted to give you a sense of the textures.  Imagine this with strong choral music and incense heavy with frankincense wafting.

Why not just a humble clay thing and some strips of whatever.  Sure, when nothing else is possible, with joy!

This… this… speaks to decorum and decorum speaks to what is aptum et pulcrum which speak to bonum et verum which point to DEUM UNUM TRINUM.

There was a moment in the Mass when the choir was singing and the sacred ministers were doing their ballet and I was reading Lauds and I went into a kind of tunnel, like StarGate with less whoosy woozy.  It was a perfect moment of clarity in the Roman Rite, in Rome, in this church and at this moment with all these people from every where in the world so focused and happy.

Here’s a nice shot of some members of the Archconfraternity that was founded by St. Philip Neri.  I especially want to post this for a friend whose induction in the confrat is pending his return to Rome.

This week they are conducting another food drive for the poor of the area.  People will bring food stuffs and give donation.  If only they had a world-wide donate button on a dedicated site… hmmm.

Folks.  I need income so I keep posting this.  I like getting income when you also can benefit. Please remember me when shopping online. Thanks in advance. US HERE – UK HERE  These links take you to a generic “catholic” search in Amazon, but, once in and browsing or searching, Amazon remembers that you used my link and I get the credit.

Black to move.  Mate in 3.  Yes, BLACK to move.

Isn’t chess great?

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

Right now Igor has big discounts because it was his birthday on 28 Oct (copy cat).  Check him out.  Discounts and I get a cut.

I mentioned before that there could be a project for a white solemn set which would also include a gremial for Pontifical Mass at the Faldstool, cope, an altar frontal, and tabernacle canopy. There is also hanging in the air a fund drive BLACK VESTMENTS (how nice it would be to have them this week… and all the priests LOVE the red sets!)   From the parish the priest in charge of vestments wrote:

The idea is to make something in the style of our existing green solemn, namely damask and inserts from a stunning velvet fabric and short bushy fringe edging. In this case, the base damask would be white(ish) and the velvet would be kinda goldy with some red and blue in the pattern.

I’ll float this survey by you again.  Don’t send money yet.  However, drop me a note. You might say what you could give. Add any other comment you want, hopefully encouraging and relatable.

    About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

    Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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    1. GregorD says:

      1. … Rxg2+
      2. Kxg2 Re2+
      3. Kg1 Be3#

    2. waalaw says:

      1. . . . . . . Rxg2+
      2. Kxg2 . R-e2+
      3. K-g1. . B-e3#

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