Whoopi Goldberg meets with Pope Francis

This is not Babylon Bee.

From LifeSite:

Whoopi Goldberg meets with Pope Francis, champions his acceptance of homosexuality

My thought….


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. redneckpride4ever says:

    Goldberg’s cheering for the indictment of someone who infiltrated a baby killing dungeon speaks volumes about the authentic ignorance, malice, intolerance and bigotry of the modern left. These people are Neanderthals.

  2. Bosco says:

    Goldberg and Goldbrick. Great vaudeville marquee.

  3. hilltop says:

    “I’m not a moral theologian, but I play one on TV.”
    Sadly, that could that be a quote from either one of them.

  4. SeelDad says:

    Whoopi, yes. Zen, no. Despicable.

  5. BeatifyStickler says:

    Caffarra and Meisner couldn’t get a meeting.

  6. TonyO says:

    While I don’t think that Francis “champions homosexuality” as such, (he might be said to champion homosexuals, but even that’s missing the mark, as he champions persons including those who have homosexual leanings), it cannot be anything but a huge, huge dark mark against Francis that his public persona and his “teaching” (if it can be called that) come off to the world at large as “champions homosexuality.”

    Will he learn from this, realizing he has been making too much of a mess of doctrine? Why would you think that? He hasn’t learned from anything else that has gone wrong under his governance.

    We must pray for Francis, that when he gets before the Judge, it will go well with him. Are we also allowed to pray that it happens soon?

  7. mo7 says:

    Did she tell him how proud she is about her abortions?

  8. Richard McNally says:

    I thought the headline was a joke.
    Is she a member of the synod?

  9. Charles E Flynn says:

    Whoopi should have stayed on the holodeck, and stayed to a script written by a professional.

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  11. Matthew says:

    I too thought the headline was a joke. That is simply insanity, why is the Pope meeting with lunatic actresses?

  12. Cornelius says:

    TonyO – pray for Francis? He’s prayed for in every Mass that occurs around the world every day – and the Mass is the most efficacious prayer the Church has. So far, at least, he’s been impervious to the Church’s pleas for him for at least 10 years.

    Prayers are probably better spent on those who are misled by his confusing and ambiguous teachings, those whom he has confirmed in their sins, those who have lost their faith entirely because of him, and those whom he cruelly persecutes. His victims, in other words. Who, after all, prays for them?

    If you want to toss in a prayer for his conversion to Catholicism, then that seems apropos. As for praying that he meets the Just Judge soon . . . I pray daily for a true shepherd in the Chair of St. Peter, not a Destroyer, and leave it to the Lord to decide how to bring that about.

  13. James C says:

    Francis certainly has a thing for pro-abortion zealots. Emma Bonino, Marianna mazzucato, Jeffrey Sachs, now Whoopi Goldberg, who used her show recently to rant at Archbishop Cordileone for having the temerity to gently tell Nancy Pelosi she shouldn’t receive communion. “That’s NOT YOUR JOB!” Whoopi yelled at Cordileone. Methinks Whoopi and Francis have similar ideas about the job description of archbishops and popes.

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