Daily Rome Shot 880

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In Toronto, the Set 1 of the Semifinal was yesterday. My guy Wesley So had a hard day against Nodirbek, winning his first and then losing two. Magnus… sheesh.. in one game against Fabi he blundered a queen and then won. Here’s a comment from Wesley.

Black to move. What are your next few moves to bring victory within reach?

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

Priestly chess players, drop me a line. HERE

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Dustin F, OCDS says:

    My thoughts:

    1. Ra4 Rxa4
    2. Kxa4 g7
    3. a1->Q g8->Q
    4. g1+ Kf3
    5. Qxg8 . . .

    At this point, black should resign. Black could extend this by refusing to take on a4 in the first step, but the king is eventually going to hide behind the rook on the a file and push the pawn.

  2. beggingformercy says:

    Rxa4, Kxa4
    g7, a1=Q
    g8=Q, Qg1+
    K…, Qxg8

    There are many variations but I think they all end the same way.

  3. Matthew111 says:

    1. … Ra4

    Protects the pawn for promotion, and white has no way to prevent it. If white checks with Rb7+, Ka6 should be next (to attack the rook).

  4. amenamen says:

    … Ra4
    Pg7, Pa1(queen)
    Pg8, Qg1+
    K any move, Qxg8

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