ROME SHOT 923 – DIY and amusing coffee stuff

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You will want to watch Raymond Arroyo’s interview with Card. Müller.  Among other hot button issues they talk about the suppression of the Vetus Ordo.

I’m sure something is up at Tata Steel.  I just don’t know what it is.  @ 14:30  HERE

In Wijk aan Zee, Tata Steel continues win Round 12.   After Round 11 Nodirbek is the sole leader followed by Gukesh.   The Boy, Alireza, is somewhere down in the pack.

He has been wearing a jacket that looks like a high school varsity (maybe junior varsity) letter jacket that’s been treated with estrogen.

Maybe it’s a cry for help?

I played OTB like a complete blockhead today. Didn’t win a single game.  Blunders.  Couldn’t concentrate.  However, more of the guys are asking me questions about “what’s up with the Catholic Church?”.  I give it to them straight.  Yes, “straight”.

Meanwhile, I finally had enough of my office chair slowly sinking.

“Enough of this sinking!”, quoth I.  “Thou shalt sink NO MORE!”

I had something on the wish list that was going to deal with this, but I had already sank on that Rubicon… or something like that.

After taking off the wheel apparatus (that’s the bottom part for the people in Columbia Heights), I measured the gas column and estimated the height of the cylinder I would have to mount over it to block it from depressing and lowering the seat.  The interior diameter of the PVC pipe was just a little too small.  Hence, I sawed through it end to end.  Thank you to the readers who sent the bench and and saw.

Then I used my cooking torch (sent by a reader, thanks!) to soften up one side. I jammed the split tube onto another piece of pipe to widen the gap.

There are three interlocking decorative cups which telescope on each other to hide the gas cylinder from view.  I knew the PVC was going to fit through the opening on the top, smallest, one so I snipped it.

This pic isn’t oriented correctly, but you get the drift.  At this stage I estimated how much shorter my PVC block had to be, cut it off, and reconnect the wheel base.

I sink no more.  At least physically.  My spirit sinks sometimes, but we are Christians.  The Christian default position is joy.

Now the default position of this chair is fixed and it ain’t goin’ anywhere.


White to play and mate in 2.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

I’m sure something is up at Tata Steel.  I just don’t know what it is.

I have a new coffee affiliate.  I still have Mystic Monk, but after the ferocious hit job Voris did on them (and almost everyone else that wasn’t CM), people seem to have cooled on their coffee.  I’ll still link to them because they deserve a chance to keep building.  I like monks who build stuff.

However here is another option that I’ll try for a while.

I see that a few people bought some the other day.  I look forward to your reviews.  I have not tried it.  (If they were smart they’d send me some.)

It would please me enormously were they to add a dark roasted Sumatra and name it after Clement XIV.  I hope that their Clement VIII is particularly dark and smokey, since he’s the one who dealt with Giordano Bruno.

Another option could be an Alexander VI line, “Our most decadent coffee”, with a strong nose of smoke in memory of Savonarola.

I could think of all sorts of coffees for them.  Paul VI, “The Pius V coffee, under-roasted for extra blandness, decaf”.   John XXIII: “It’s a secret and we’re not telling”.

Speaking of Savonarola, the Dominican Soap Sisters used to make a hilarious smoke-smelling soap for men called… Savonarola.  Get it?   Must I spell it out?  Terrific sense of humor.  Alas, I think they discontinued it.  I’ll bet they could be induced to make a special “Fr Z run” of Savonarola.

Ceterum censeo Alirezam esse delendum.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. beggingformercy says:

    My son just last week mentioned a forced en passant puzzle. Still took me a while to realize that’s what was going on here. Tricky!

  2. Kathleen10 says:

    You are Fr. MacGuyver! It’s a joy to have projects, even taking apart a chair is a project, and now you don’t sink, well done. My project right now is taking apart a fiber optic Christmas display my Mom once had, to fix the plug insert which caved in. It’s a great feeling to rescue things, we’re kept busy and productive, and we learn things. Total kudos for the chair repair though.
    Isn’t it time to cook up some new recipe? Maybe a nice winter stew! You haven’t cooked for a while, I don’t think.

  3. Jack in NH says:

    Just curious- on many of these puzzles the king (& many others) are on the opposite side of the board from ‘home’; why would a king migrate to the opposite side? Or are they just setups to illustrate a closing?
    Thanks, & God Bless…

  4. amenamen says:

    Pf4 …

    This white pawn may be captured by four different black pawns. In each case, white moves to checkmate.

    … e5xf4


    … e4xf3

    … g4xf3

  5. JonPatrick says:

    Congratulations on the chair fix! It’s nice when there is something like this that is fixable. Unfortunately so many items today are “smart” with microprocessors (probably to send data back to Google or the FBI) that defy fixability.

    I still buy Mystic Monk. To me it seemed the Voris expose was based primarily on the testimony of one disgruntled former monk and was therefore suspect.

  6. frdanbecker says:


    Black then has to take that pawn at f4 with one of four black pawns (including two en passant possibilities). White then mates with either Q or B depending on Black’s move.

  7. What? No one gets the joke? Nobody?

  8. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    “What? No one gets the joke? Nobody?”

    Alexander VI: “Take my wife. Please.”


    [A gilt crosier appears and pulls him off the stage, followed by a voluable “NEXT”]

    Paul IV: “What’s the deal with galley food, anyways?”

    *nervous laughter*

  9. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    I did not immediately get the French wordplay – ‘savon’ – and, intrigued, cannot quickly find where the family name comes from, or an earlier ancestor than the famous Giovanni Michele Savonarola / Johannes Michael Savonarola, grandfather of Hieronymus. The common Italian usage for a folding armchair, Wikipedia tells me, “comes from a nineteenth-century trade term evoking Girolamo Savonarola”! I suppose “Haudquaquam oblector” would not necessarily apply to every ‘falò delle vanità’, some of which are surely proper occasions of ‘oblectatio’.

  10. Gaby Carmel says:

    Savonarola: In French, the word for soap is ‘savon’. Hence the nuns’ joke.

  11. edm says:

    Yes, we got it. Burn, baby, burn.

  12. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    Hmm… also assorted farther-fetched word- and association-play via ‘rola’ and ‘rotula’ (etc.)-derived words: ‘milled soap’, ‘through the mill’?

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