What is your good news?

We’ve had so much bad news lately.  How about some good news?

It has been some time since I’ve inquired.

What is your good news?

For my part, I built some shelves in the garage and survived the heat and dehydration and I made a good start on getting the “live stream” going again.  Brick by brick.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Discerning Altar Boy says:

    I move into my first year of seminary on Saturday. If it’s God’s will, I’ll be a priest forever in 6 years.

  2. Cafea Fruor says:

    My good news is that I just finished a time consuming and challenging class with flying colors, and then I’ve got only two more classes to qualify me for applying to the doctorate programs to which I’m intending to apply.

  3. Johann says:

    I tested negative for Covid today. Cardinal Burke seems to be making a recovery. Britney Spears has converted to Catholicism. Jacob Zuma is in jail.

  4. Bob says:

    It may not mean much to anyone else but my 42 year old son who is an alcoholic has been dry for 4 years. I’d not heard from him in 2 months and I was worried he relapsed. He called me today and told me how busy he’s been, working 80 hours per week. He’s an executive chef. He still has his job, still has his son and still hasn’t had a drink. Praise God for good news and the persistence of prayers!

  5. brasscow says:

    We bought a house in February but no site work had been completed. I completed the grading work, retaining walls, concrete, landscaping and just last wednesday seeded and matted 1.5 acres of high quality turf type tall fescue. Friday we got a steady rain that added up to .8″ and today (Monday) another slow steady rain that was .6″. There is more rain in the forecast almost every day or night for the next couple weeks. Kids should be playing in the grass in no time (instead of in the mud). I can’t wait for all of this stuff to be done! Thank you God because there’s no way I could have kept the sprinklers going on 1.5 acres.

  6. brasscow says:

    We bought a house in February but no site work had been completed. I completed the grading work, retaining walls, concrete, landscaping and just last wednesday seeded and matted 1.5 acres of high quality turf type tall fescue. Friday we got a steady rain that added up to .8″ and today (Monday) another slow steady rain that was .6″. There is more rain in the forecast almost every day or night for the next couple weeks. Kids should be playing in the grass in no time (instead of in the mud). I can’t wait for all of this stuff to be done! Thank you God because there’s no way I could have kept the sprinklers going on 1.5 acres.

  7. Greg Hlatky says:

    I will come out of lurking mode briefly to say, immodestly, that in 2021 our dog Delilah (a Borzoi):
    – Won an all-breed Best in Show
    – Was Best of Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club show
    – Won the 2021 Borzoi Club of America National Specialty (the Nobel Prize of the breed)
    – Was Specialty Best in Show at the Midwest Borzoi Club and Lone Star Borzoi Club specialty shows


  8. InFormationDiakonia says:

    I’m in my three month Clinical Pastoral Education program for diaconate formation at a local hospital. It is going very well and even better is their “deadline” for getting the jab is the day after my three months ends…..

    Formation has started up again with Sacramental Theology so I am happy to be learning again! Year three of four is underway! Institution of Lector in October.

  9. Irish Timothy says:

    I had very minor surgery on August 12th and expected, however, the recovery to take some time. A week later I felt 100% better, much quicker than I thought. Thank God! Also thanks to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! I said a novena prior to the surgery and my prayers were answered!

  10. Lusp says:

    Talked to a young man after our TLM who is in RCIA and really passionate about becoming Catholic. It’s so refreshing to see!

  11. Lusp says:

    Talked to a young man after our TLM who is in RCIA and really passionate about becoming Catholic. It’s so refreshing to see!

  12. Charivari Rob says:

    Mom nearly ready to get back home after months of mostly hospital/rehab/respite.
    Still employed.
    Tropical storm mostly not too bad here in the northeast.
    I was able to have a couple of visits recently at my aunt’s convent – first was earlier this summer, my wife and I were some of their first individual visitors from outside as pandemic precautions relaxed; then more recently for a public reception & prayer service (one of their first broadly “public” events since pandemic).
    Some recent court business went favorably.

  13. Liz says:

    The garden is producing so much. Sometimes I’m overwhelmed but I am grateful for so much bounty.

  14. Come this Sunday, Father Franklyn Martin McAfee, a retired priest of the Diocese of Arlington, will celebrate the Golden Jubilee of his ordination to the Priesthood, with a Solemn High Traditional Mass at the Church of Saint John the Beloved, in McLean, Virginia, where he is Pastor Emeritus. He will be “in choro” for the occasion, given his present condition, and I have the honor of having been chosen to serve as his Chaplain.

    He has asked for prayers for his continued health.

  15. – I went outside last Sunday (Assumption) to find the first ripe figs of the season.
    – Had orientation for a new job today (private duty LPN).
    – Get to start playing the organ for Mass again on Sunday after a year away.
    – Have an brother engaged to be married to a lovely girl.

  16. benedetta says:

    I just returned from participating in my son’s orientation at Franciscan University of Steubenville and am so grateful that the Lord has led him to such a place of vibrant faith and vitality. After our homeschooling adventure, his choosing such a place is very gratifying.

  17. Dave P. says:

    My eldest started school at Chesterton Academy. and he and his middle brother will be confirmed at St Stanislaus in Milwaukee on 10/24.
    (Speaking of St, Stanislaus… Father, have you been there since they replaced the stained glass windows? If you haven’t, I think you’d love the one portraying St. Thomas Aquinas…)

  18. Kerry says:

    The swarm trap set in an ash tree in June caught a swarm on July 22nd! Free bees.
    Our first year French Toulouse geese successfully hatched two goslings in late May, and in two months they weighed about 12 pounds. (Geese at Martinmass.) This morning our small patches of buckwheat and phacelia were swarming with, as the Fair Penelope says, “Our bees”. Since beginning a three stage build on my levain, (sourdough starter), the bulk proofs and rises have been very reliable. Two small patches of cereal rye and spelt produced grain. (When it’s made into bread, I’ll report back.) The Johnson-Su compost used on my potatoes seems to be working very well, as many of the plants have bloomed more than once. (Unusual.)
    I had hoped to say, “And it looks like rain in 15 minutes, but alas.”

  19. Gregg the Obscure says:

    Got through a difficult four weeks without doing too many rash things. had a great confession on Saturday. Have a new dog named Gubbio (as in the wolf of Gubbio). German Shepherd mix who obviously had some training in the past. playful energetic little critter who will keep me from being too sedentary and mopey.

    Learned of a new lay apostolate, the Society of St. Justin Martyr. i think many readers here would support this cause: https://wwjustinmartyr.wordpress.com

  20. pcg says:

    Third grandchild on the way- a girl! Garden looking pretty good-despite the constant deadheading-keeps me going.

  21. beelady says:

    SO happy for all who posted!
    God is good!!
    My husband and I (kid-free for the first time in 30yrs!) just returned from a week in Denver.
    It was our first trip to Colorado and we had a fantastic time visiting his childhood friend and his wife.
    The four of us (all 50+) managed to bike down Keystone without injury.

  22. Maelwys says:

    On 06Aug the Benedictine sisters at Gower, MO held ceremonies where three novices made their First Profession and invested four postulants as novices.

    The First Profession process up to the altar with a large lit candle adorned with flowers and greenery which they received two years priory in their novice investiture ceremony. Ahead of time they handwrite their 3-year vow in illuminated script and then read out word for word before the altar. Then they present it to the presiding prelate (Abbot of Clearcreek) first, the Bishop of Kansas City (in choir) next, and finally Mother Abbess (in her stall). They trade out their white novice veil for a black veil with points. They receive a title after their name as well (Sr…. of the Holy Face).

    The novice investiture is an even bigger show. Those being invested as novices come out in full bridal glory–wedding dresses, long lacy veils, hair exquisite…the works. Bridal pics beforehand in their Marian courtyard. They each approach and kneel before the Abbot. The Mistress of Novices manages the train of their dress so it’s all splayed out like a satin waterfall down the altar steps behind them. Mother Abbess removes their veils, they bow their heads, Mother Abbess gathers their hair, and the Abbott cuts it off. Mother Abbess then does a little flourish with the usually long tresses and lays it in a basket as a very apparent offering (the bundled tresses are then presented to the novices’ mothers at the reception afterwards). The Abbott presents the habit to the new novice, who leaves the altar area in her wedding dress, with bobbed hair, cradling the folded habit.

    When all are duly claimed by Our Lord, they return wearing the habit and black lace veils. Each again approaches the altar and is garbed in the cincture, full length black scapular, and white wimple and veil. And they are finally presented with their large lit flower adorned candle.

    Everyone’s cup overflows just to witness it. I don’t think any in either ceremony was over 24 years old. While the Enemy is playing his best hand at home and abroad, this still goes on in the middle of nowhere Heartland.

    Tell your parish priests to go on retreat their Priest House. It is the Sister’s primary ministry. They call their monastery “Ephesus House”, because they act in the Blessed Mother’s stead offering the Apostles a Mother’s hospitality and consolation before returning to the front lines.

  23. majuscule says:

    Our young diocesan TLM community had our first picnic Sunday after Mass!

    Last year were just about to go from Mass two Sundays a month to every Sunday—when Covid hit. We struggled through the shutdown part and then through the winter with Mass outdoors, but finally came out the other end. Thanks to a certain moto proprio we have gained attendance. But since most attendees do not belong to the parish where the church is located we did not know each other.

    With the announcement of the picnic the previous Sunday and only an email contact list, we had a pretty good turnout. I got to put names to faces and hear first hand what prompted some to start attending and how far they travel. We discovered that the church has a nice picnic area with a BBQ pit and a safe space for all the (many!) kids to run around.

    What a happy event!

  24. JakeMC says:

    A little drawn-out story first. My mother had an extremely rare form of degenerative musculopathy. I grew up watching her grow progressively weaker; by the time she was 70, she couldn’t even walk. There were other contributing factors I won’t go into. When I was 30, I learned it was hereditary when I started showing the first signs of it myself. To my knowledge, there is still no treatment for this particular form, since it’s so rare, there is no basis for research. From everything I’ve read, you cannot regain strength lost to this disorder. And this is where the good news comes in: That information is WRONG! I started a new exercise program in April at my local YMCA. It’s called Enhance Fitness, and unlike other exercise classes at the Y, you need a doctor’s referral to get into it. Over the past four months, I’ve regained strength. This program has been a literal Godsend for me. Thanks be to God!

  25. mikeinmo says:

    Elder son transferred to Southeast Missouri State University (Cape Girardeau) for his Junior and Senior years. Yesterday, the new Chapel (which looks like a church) was dedicated by Bishop Edward Rice. Lots of incense and reverence all around. Many priests in attendance from the Diocese of Springfield/Cape Girardeau and the Archdiocese of St Louis. The 2 hour Mass just flew by. I was able to squeeze in at the last minute. SRO. My son and I attended the 8 pm Mass for students. Nearly full. Lots of incense and reverence once again. Novus Ordo Mass Ad Orientem with a young priest who is an alum of the college. Just Wow!

  26. Hurricane Henri was set to head smack into Long Island, but I asked some friends to pray for us, and it turned to the right and bypassed the island. After it made landfall in Westerly, RI, it made a left turn and went through Connecticut, rather obviously avoiding us, not that we deserved such a blessing any more than anyone else. I guess it wasn’t good news in Connecticut and Rhode Island, but that is no less reason for me to be grateful, particularly in light of yesterday’s TLM reading.

  27. Hugh says:

    We’re in lockdown in Canberra, Australia. But I wanted to say some rosaries for H.E. Cardinal Burke. So at about 10.30 pm, on a night last week, I walked around to my local church, Holy Rosary, closed off for the duration. It’s quite modern (sixties), so, shall we say … challenging, shape-wise. But I turned one of the many quirky corners and found that the red light/tabernacle was less than ten feet away, beyond a stained glass window! Plus (and this is not so edifying) I found that the gum leaf and bark mulch I knelt on outside that window was the the most comfortable and warm kneeler I’ve ever experienced (we’re still in the Bleak Midwinter here.) I figured that God knows I’m a 10th dan black belt coward and softie, but He still wants me there.

    I go there now every day/night when possible. To pray for H.E., Abp. Vigano, Donald Trump, a dear friend who’s battling cancer, and now the desperate Americans and their allies trapped in Afghanistan.

    P.S. The Dominican P.P. at this church, Holy Rosary, Watson, Canberra says the traditional Dominican Rite every Friday, on some major Dominican feasts as missa cantatas, and I’m sure privately on a regular basis. So it’s not exactly Traditionis Custodes around there, except in the sense that he actually IS a zealous guardian of tradition, God bless him.

    Cheers, Fr. Z. and prayers for you as well.

  28. A year ago, our beloved cloistered Dominican nuns discerned a move out of state. Due to the pandemic restrictions there was no way to say goodbye in person to my dear friend who is one of the externs. On Sunday, she traveled back here for the dedication of the new cemetery plot for the deceased nuns, who had to be moved from the former monastery grounds. I got to see her! And hug her and chat a little. I may never see her again in the flesh this side of Heaven. It was a great joy for me and I left her at peace.

  29. JonPatrick says:

    After losing their jobs mainly due to the effects of the COVID “pandemic”, both of our sons have been able to find good new jobs. Oldest son met a nice Catholic woman and I suspect a wedding in their future.

    Our new parish Saturday traditional Latin Mass is doing well and attendance is increasing. So far the bishop is allowing it to continue in spite of TC.

  30. sjoseph371 says:

    Finally finished helping out my mother-in-law move out of her old house into her new one. As a thank-you she bought us a new generator – which I think prevented the entire area from losing power during the latest hurricane!

  31. So glad to hear all this good news! I will pray for you all.

    Very grateful to almighty God that we have four new novices here at Saint Vincent Archabbey. In addition to that good news, the campus is starting to look alive again as we prepare for a new, in person semester at our college and seminary. Thanks be to God and our holy father Saint Benedict!

  32. jouthere says:

    Our ninth grandchild will be born early in 2022. And, praise God, and thanks to all who prayed, last weekend our last and youngest child was married in a reverent NO ad orientam mass with beautiful choir. (The happy couple had originally considered a civil ceremony.)

  33. At the age of 52 I am starting a MSc in a new field, at a very good university, paid for by my work.

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